All the problems of businesses round the world struggling during these unpresidented times and I know so many stores where I live have given in to the financial strains of the past few months. Lovely people who have been forced to take a step back and watch their business collapse has been mind blowing.
There is however a bright side to where I live; there is no where better to unwind, change the direction your career or business is travelling towards and regaining the strength to slowly move forward.
The 400 plus liners that cruise in each year had to be cancelled, all the festivals, the shows, the concerts and even our recycling trips were cut short. There is however winds of change blowing across the world I believe and we may find ourselves lost sometimes but if you stop to relax and live in the now moment you will find all is as it is supposed to be.
The pictures above are both taken on my phone camera and are both of where I live, such diverse landscape I really need to take more photos and videos (on my To-do list now).
Stay safe whatever path you choose to travel down and I wish you good luck, fortune and success.