This bullshit is around for decades!
David Hudson, an enigmatic farmer-cum-New Age guru who claims to have discovered a DNA-repairing miracle cure in his soil--and who has now embarked on a campaign to mass-produce it.
At least one desperate person bet her life on these claims.....and lost
Different product, but same story involving @mattmonarch scam:
If you have time to watch this video, it explains my entire story and it has a response to this Adya Scam in here:
The only difference between those scams is that in case of Adya you were caught and you couldn't get money back as a scam-reseller.
Almost all supplements are unnecessary. You can get the nutrition benefits by eating real foods instead.
I'm new to steemit and have been perusing around. I saw the ridiculous looking almond butter post and thought wtf is this. Now I've been reading down the posts and comments. I can't believe anyone fell for this. Straight out the gate I call BS. I couldnt get 3 minutes into that video without being fed up and thinking this guy is an absolute tool and is abusing a faction of people that look towards whole foods. Im all about eating well etc but this dude is wolf in sheeps clothing predying on the ignorant. I would expect to see his garbage hanging next to the Hornet sex pill mumbo jumbo at the gas station.