About the ocean

in #osean8 years ago


The vast Ocean Ocean and a saltwater mass connecting include the surface of the earth bounded by a large continent or archipelago
Theory of Occurrence of Ocean There are several theories about the occurrence of oceans: 1. Contraction theory (contraction theory) Some time after the earth is formed, the earth is still in a state of heat. Then it began to cool and form the skin of the earth. Within millions of years there have been changes in the earth beneath the crust of the earth. Because of the shrinkage of the earth's crust causing light rocks from the earth's crust to curve and crack the magma out to the surface of the earth. All of these changes lead to continents and ocean basins. We know that the skin of the earth beneath the deep ocean is very thin. Under the rocks of the earth's crust there is a heavier rock called Astenosphere (mantle).


The oceans are one part of the vast earth's grass, which usually has a constant flow of wind and current. In the world there are three great Oceans as follows.
Pacific Ocean, its area of ​​100 million km2 or 5.5 times the area of ​​Africa.
The Atlantic Ocean includes the African Sea or the North Ice Sea, an area of ​​95 million km 3 (three) times the size of Africa.
Indian Ocean, which covers an area of ​​73 million km2 or 2.5 times the size of Africa.
The sea is a large pool of saltwater that inundates and divides land over continents or islands.
Parts of the sea, among others the sea edge, the mid-ocean, and the inland sea.
The edges of the sea if located on the edge of the continent or continent and as if separated from the vast ocean oleg row of islands or peninsula. Contah laut edge is as follows
Bering Sea separated by the Japanese Islands.
The Ochotsk Sea is separated by the Indonesian Archipelago and the Philippines.
The Japanese Sea is separated by Japanese Kepualaun.
The South China Sea is separated by the Indonesian Archipelago and the Philippines.
The Andaman Sea is separated by Andaman and Nicoba Islands.
The North Sea is separated by British Patriarchs
Medieval sea if located between continents. This sea is deep and has a cluster of islands islands. The contents are as follows
The Mediterranean Sea with a cluster of Greek islands
The American mid-ocean with a cluster of major Antilen islands
Australia's mid-ocean Asia with an archipelago of Indonesian archipelago
North Sea Ice with the Spitsberge Islands.
The sea of ​​inhabitants is a sea that is almost entirely surrounded by land. Contahnya like the Baltic Sea, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, and Dead sean.

Ocean Base
Like the mainland, the ocean floor also has reliefs (high lows of the earth's surface). The various types of marine foundations are as follows:
Shelf is a shallow ocean floor along the coast and a depth of an average of 200 m. This shelf is still part of an adjacent continent. Shelf is a part of the ocean that many fish.
Dangkalan (plate) is an expanding land with a depth of not more than 200 m. The plate is also called a widespread shelf.
Palk sea (trog) is a deep valley and extends on the seabed, because the seabed is descending. Trog occurs because of the folding of the earth's crust. Therefore, the sea trench is near the creek. For example, the Java Sea Trench (south of Java Island, with a depth of 7,450 m), Philippine Sea Trench (Mindanaau) with a depth of 10,830 m, and the Japanese Sea Trench with a depth of 7,535 m.


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Ocean Movement

Ocean movement is divided into ...

Ocean Movement
Ocean movement is divided into 3 (three) kinds, yaiyu waves, pairs, and currents.
Waves, commonly caused by wind or due to pressure (friction) from the wind at sea level. Therefore, the direction of the waves zesuai with wind direction. High and large waves depend on the strength of wind. That is the hard wind can cause high waves. Waves can also occur due to seismic earthquakes. On the seabed often occurs dislocation (movement of the earth's crust, fractures, and cracks) or volcanic eruptions. Twersebut events caused a sea quake that caused a very powerful wave to reach with a height of 30 m and can enter far into the mainland. Such waves are called Tsunami (Japanese). This tsunami often brings toll to thousands of human lives and damage on land. It has happened in Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Chile, Sri Lanka, Thailand and India. Tsunami waves due to very large marine earthquakes to a height of 150 m- 300, with a speed of 500 - 700 km per jama.
Tide, is the movement of seawater or oceans that occur during the full moon due to the gravity between the earth - the moon - the sun. At the time of the full moon there is a tidal rise as high as the full moon, and when the moon is in conjunction position (kwartir I and quartyr IV) there is a tidal or low tide. Tidal conditions affect ports. This is because when the tidal ports become very shallow so that the vessels can not be docked or can not be anchored.
Sea Stream, is a movement (stream) of sea water that resembles a very wide river (broad) and has a fixed and regular circulation. This movement not only occurs on the surface, but also below sea level. Sea currents are divided according to location, temperature, and occurrence.

So glimpse of the understanding of oceans and oceans, may be useful and useful for us all to deepen the science in the field of geography.


contemplating to visit Indonesia bec of this 😁

nice sharing