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RE: Ostracism on Steemit: Why or Why Not?

in #ostracism8 years ago

Here in our little elementary school we teach the children to use their W.I.T.S.: Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out and, finally, Seek help... The it come to bullying, this is a pretty straight forward program that brings about great results. But what do we do when one "Seeks help" because the bully doesn't want to stop bullying?

Cohesive methods are being used, starting with authorities climbing in influence from staff, to teachers, to principal and, if need be, superintendent. What happens when the bullying doesn't stop even there??? Usually, the police and the justice system starts to deal with this and the justice juggle of our societies starts.

In our case, on our own platform, there doesn't seem to be not yet a neutral body of people with cohesive powers to take care of bullying beyond the WITS and the platform itself , including all of its participants pay for that. Fair??? Absolutely not. When the fun is there only for a few, it is not fun at all, it is bullying.

Maybe within @steemcleaner group we easily could build a protocol to deal with such individuals. Otherwise, people who like the highs of bullying, who have loads of power on here, will only keep tarnishing the whole platform to our detriment and succeed in sabotaging the cohesiveness building for the strength of us all.

We would need a group of people high non-partisan or simply have a double-blind examination of the content in from top the group to render verdicts to such bullying events.

Thanks for raising the concerns, the opportunity to keep this important discussion open to creative problem-solving and having the courage to stand tall in front of disrespect.

All for one and one for all!
Namaste :)