Discussion paper: Other People’s Money

in #other2 years ago
Authored by @Trej25

Trevon Jones
Professor Bylund
14 September 2022
Discussion paper: Other People’s Money

Other People’s Money is a film about a man named Mr. Garfield. Mr. Garfield is the owner of a company called Garfield Investments and, is a shareholder in multiple companies. At the beginning of the film, he is want to have a meeting with the owner of a wire and cable factory named Andrew Jorgenson which also has multiple companies that Mr.Garfield invests in, and he looks to take over his assets with the factory. He wants to do a corporate takeover of the wire and cable company because it needs money from other businesses that Mr. Jorgenson owns to stay afloat which Mr. Garfield also has shares in. After the meeting Mr. Jorgenson had to find a way to cover himself so he doesn't lose his company so, he calls a lawyer to help with the legalities.
This is an aspect of the film that has an entrepreneurial because businesses will have to seek legal help if a shareholder with enough shares tries to attempt a Corporate takeover. This aspect of the film is a common yet unfair way for another business to purchase another company but it is legal. This is an interesting part of the film because its shows the potential step of an entrepreneur in his more successful years. In the years when you aren't building you are maintaining a business. The steps of either suing, settling or defending in an entrepreneurial setting where people will take business disputes similar to one in the film to the business courts. One way society in the film reacts to entrepreneurship is Jorgenson reacting to Garfield when he implied taking over his company. Which in turn led Jorgenson to seek legal help and have people on his side buy more shares of the company to try to counter Mr. Garfield’s takeover. They did this because if they have more shares than Garfield he has one less, lowering his percentage of ownership. If they increase the shares Garfield will make less money off of each share. These steps are essential when covering your business from a corporate takeover. Jorgenson and his team are interacting with society by contacting a lawyer from an entrepreneurial firm who has experience in defending a business from a takeover. The lawyer meets with Garfield at a dinner to discuss the possibility of him being bought out to leave Mr. Jorgenson's company alone. This is an example of greenmail the process of buying back shares to counter a hostile takeover. Something that I took from this film is that there will be people in business who will try to make a profit from your company in many ways. Either you come to an agreement with your shareholder the right way or they will try to make money at the expense of your company. The film Other People’s Money is an entrepreneurial film because it shows a fictional scenario of a company and its shareholder having a financial dispute and what this process would typically look like.