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RE: Somber Day

in #ourofthinair5 years ago

I’m back, just like that, not so much a flash but back is back as a matter of fact. Nah.. I didn’t notice your rhyme at all.

Quickly, are the French as rude as Italians? Dang, @galenkp, the people around here are pretty bad, they can’t even walk cordially, it’s pretty bad. I never knew a culture where children and old ladies think it’s customary to shoulder check you on the sidewalk. To be more specific—“underwhelming.” Thank you @tarazkp for calling this dude over here, I love these kind of responses. Since I got you, thanks again for the curation, sir!

I first used “depressing” as we exited the memorial, it was my wife who switched it to somber or, sombre, depending where you’re geographically located. Thank you for describing your experience, I read it as though I was right there. About repeated mistakes, man, I often find myself wondering when Jesus is going to come fix this mess. Depressing,somberly, emotional, all of them work. When a memorial plot is a “thank you,” as beautifully kept as they are, I believe there’s something seriously wrong with that picture.

I was just saying to someone else who had no issues calling the US a terrorist that theres a dude named Rothschild running their country too. I was just trying to share this memorial experience without pointing fingers—I hope I achieved that. I’m a true believer in it’s not the people that are the issue, it’s the people in power. Hopefully I’m not wrong in believing if more people pointed their finger at the reflection in the ATM screen each time they do a cash withdrawal and less time pointing it at the TV screen, maybe an article regarding a memorial in celebration for 7,858 oxygen breathing human beings would’ve never been written.

Nah.. that memorial didn’t get me emotional at all, @galenkp, can you tell?

Thanks a lot for your support, sir, and thanks for drawing out this winded response. Have a great week, don’t be a stranger.


We have found a couple of rude people in both France and Italy, although nothing I would call out of the ordinary. Shoulder-checking people...I think it's common through society as people feel that they have the right of way simply because they are there...On the planet. That feeling of entitlement has permeated every aspect of society it seems. We always start each conversation off in the language of the country and so we tend to find people more receptive; They soon learn we are not locals and either speak more slowly or in english. It's worked so far.

There's many ignorant people out there though, and whilst I try to avoid them, sometimes we cross paths. I don't like it when we do. Still, I can't change them so I make sure I live my best version of life and leave them to their own de(vices).

I was just trying to share this memorial experience without pointing fingers—I hope I achieved that.

You did, in my mind anyway.

I think you've mentioned one of the biggest problems with society these days...It never wants to look at itself in the mirror...People don't. It easier to find someone to blame than look at oneself and find fault there...It's better for the ego. Blame is negative but it seems blame is the new black, or at least easier that ownership and responsibility. Blame is fashionable, as is the feeling of entitlement.

Have yourself a good week.

(again).Danget, @galenkp! You’re such a good responder I’m unable to split without saying we’re boarding a plane in a few hours and I’m about to jump in the shower. But know I appreciate this response so much that I’ll be coming back

Thank you for being cool! Talk to you soon.

Get your ass in the shower or you might miss that plane!

Catch you on the flip-side. (That means later.)