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RE: This is My Title There Are Many Like it But This One is Mine

in #outofthinair3 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if tourist attractions included deities flipping tables to show protest against the industry - but you get to pay for the tickets to see it first. If someone sells you "blessed water' hand them a water bottle while offering it a prayer, challenge which one tastes better. It's either your distilled water or their questionable water source dripped from an old statue laced with acid rain with fungi. Did that make sense? no, forget about it, just a silly horror story from my travels.

You're welcome, thank you for the attention and time too :>



I think we should virtually collaborate on that one. We'll host remote viewings around the world flipping tables and call it Come One Come All. 👀

Rated for mature audiences only. <- That'll get'em for sure! Cha-ching!
