
You’re too cool, @brandt, thank you! I was hoping to keep the crowd guessing, I’m glad it worked. I was also so hoping for the attention on this one to at least somewhat acknowledge my efforts—so much for that.

It’s not really like a figure skater that trained their whole life and then missed the big jump in the Olympics, not that bad, but I have way too much time and energy into this one to continuously stack up downvotes.

Not sure how many times anyone expects me to continue pouring myself into these things to watch them idle and downvoted. Dude, have you seen how many downvotes my articles get? NOBODY on this whole platform receives downvotes like me, maybe I’m on the wrong platform man.

Thank you @brandt, have a great week! 👍🏿

most of them; yesterday's was a potshot) and the reward is usually nowhere close to the effort. I think that's one of the main reasons why most people don't last long around here. Looks like China found you, though.This one definitely deserved a @curie hit. I understand the frustration. I put hours into my posts (well,

And I suspect that your downvotes are all coming from the idiots over at the Steemit Victims Defence League. They're just trolls and for the most part their votes are worthless. I'd just ignore them. Or, you could do like me, and add everyone who downvotes you to your very own cult.

Looks like I got caught being a little female doggish here--raise your hand if you feel like a big huge cry baby. 🖐

Thanks for all of your support @brandt. Ps, my autocorrect just had your name as “Brandy” and, I’d just like to point out right now, should that happened again and I miss it, don’t go getting any weird ideas.

That's okay. We all have our crybaby moments. And I'm pretty sure that autocorrect thing has happened before. I've actually been called Brandy in real life, believe it or not.

Wait, if that’s real life, then what is this?

This is the blockchain, where everyone lives forever.