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RE: He's Rough Around The Edges, Charismatic, Spontaneously Whitty, Charming, Strikingly Handsome And Not Narcissistic At All!! Let'em Hear it Ya Buncha Content Consuming Junkies! Put Your Hands Together For...

I don't know what atheists you've been hanging out with but the ones that grew up in the bible belt tend to be a little more circumspect with that information :D That being said, they're probably a bit more militant with it for living where sharia law (er, blue laws, excuse me) has been implemented...

I'm stealing "decaffeinated tea bagger"! It just seems like a lovely thing to yell at people with no warming :) I've talked a lot of shit but you sir have me beat in the literal shittalking category!


Who's Sharon? 🤔 Must be Old news, like fake news but different. I like the part where Jesus ixnayed the old stuff.

I never really got to hang out with'em too long @coloneljethro. Never really been into birds, especially parrots.

It's yours, sir, you don't even have to steal it. If everyone around you doesn't change their tone immediately like "wait, hold up, did he just say decaffeinated tea bagger??" You're saying it wrong.

It's cuz you're younger than me, that's all. Nah.. that was another joke. I ✔️ all the shit-talkin boxes. Like this one, ✔️ it out!

Eh, I spent days designing that comic strip--literally. But check this out.. and I even said the word "joke" in the very first paragraph. I found a few more douchebags and they weren't even driving trucks:


^^ That's even funnier than the comic strip and I mighta spent 1n3/4 minutes designing it.

Thanks for your support man, keep your quality images comin and don't tell me to shorten my responses ever ever ever ever ever. 👍🏿