Imagine a super gay dude tossing a handful of peanuts to nearby crows and then shouting from across the street in a very demure and sweet voice "Oh my god, is that Pilot?" That's the perfect scenario for non-creepiness, and fortunately how it happened.
Your discomfort intrigues me!! That doesn't mean I'm glad you're in pain by any means. It's just the kind of stuff I like to work with. Some gentle strengthening is probably in order once the tight stuff is released. Your massage guy sounds like he would know what needs to get stronger to stabilized your posture so that nerves stop getting crushed. I will say though that a majority of this kind of problem comes from the slouch we all do at desks and on phones, driving, so on. We're not doing anything wrong, we just have a culture that revolves around devices and such that perpetuate slouchiness. Usually at the very basic level it involves releasing pecs, SCMs, scalenes and suboccipitals, and strengthening rhomboids, mid to low traps, and paraspinals. In a nutshell. Of course each body is unique and that's where your massage therapist or pt or chiro come in.
Can you tell I'm really into this shit? Hope it's helpful and not annoying.
I guess it's a good thing I don't have any plans to go to Costa Rica. Actually almost would have been there about right now if not for some financial stuff and the retreat getting canceled and not wanting to go anywhere without Pilot anyway so fuck that and fuck those pervs. Seriously. Why do some dudes need to be with super young chicks??? They trying to get their childhood back or what?