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RE: My Dog Eats Better Than You

in #outofthinair7 months ago

Oh, for sure. It's baby food but humans can totally eat it.


This one's so like a kid. She's since shunned the blueberries, used to like them but treats them like stock kibble now. Lettuce, too. I had a whole song about lettuce but she's since outgrown it and says I'm immature.


Omg lettuce is soooo last month, didn't you know??

Pilot once looooved him some crunchy carrots. But I was giving him baby carrots without the skin and he was getting yeasty. Tried diced carrots but he said nope!

She ever eat oatmeal? It goes really well with stinky fish.


Never even considered it, good idea. Oatmeal's pretty packed with nutrients too. Oatmeal.. Go deal.. Oatmeal.. Fo real, oh hell yeah there's a song there somewhere.

Please keep me apprised of the Atlas Oatmeal tune as it develops.