Thanks a lot for re-blogging this, @jlsplatts, I honestly have no idea (days) how much time I spent putting this one together. I almost said resteeming but I'm sure I already hurt a few feelings here. You're never gonna believe this but Jokes actually have a way of doing that sometimes.
Oh dude, have you heard this one yet? It's funny!!
Good thing I didn't write too many paragraphs then. When you were bouncing between 2, 5, 8, was it? 🤔 Did you say three, too? Or was it 3-2? 32?? Where was I U We?
No, no, not Christmas Eve Splatts--simple mistake (happens all the time). You see, I 'dance' when and where they least expect it. Eve is just a stage name. When I'm doin what I do, whether it's take everything off, lay everything out (wink, wink), complimentary services (if you know what I mean), a little bit'0 this, designing some'0 that and I've been 'donating my services' 🤫 for three years now.
.....And I've never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever attracted one (1) sperm whale 'Regular.'