Has anyone told you how sweet you are today?
I read your comment twice—refreshing like a cold shower. = }
Littlebee, I know you know what I mean. And I know you know nobody sympathizes, last thing they wanna hear is how wa! I've travelived so much boo hoo! I'm over it. I got you though, I understand, been there done that. I feel you.
Did I understand you correctly, Plan C is the two of you venturing elsewhere without your husbands employment?
Yes ma'am, north. We've began making rounds already, saying hello to people we haven't seen in a long time and just enjoying the fall season but it's north or bust.
You're the third person to mention him. I'm always last to find out!! I don't blame you, really, just the thought of it is exhausting. I swear that's part of the enjoyment though, that personal mental challenge because the only person/thing I can't negotiate with is myself.
We're doing well, thanks for asking, better now that we're near Pura's medical team again. I hope this finds you well.
Now then, elaborate on Plan C. <3