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RE: I Got 99 Problems But A Home Ain't One

in #outofthinair3 years ago

..are you sure about Turkey?

I don't think I'm understanding. They are not Schengen, of course, only EU countries are but I don't think that's what you're asking. Help me understand.

Bummer about having to start over for you guys. All of the borders and governments who honor them.. Hashtag WeirdWorld. Since we began this journey we've experienced Brexit, covid, and now the war, all from abroad. Wtf!

What happens when you guys go to the US? How does that work? Do you get a 2 year work visa there, too, like your husband has now?


Nope not meaning it in that way, I mean of countries you would go to/ are looking into.

It sure is a strange world at the moment. Yep, we did too… all of that living abroad. It is holding us up in many ways… backlogs etc.
Brexit is causing hubby a lot of problems as he works in Gibraltar, he has to cross a border every day…

We go on a relocation with the company. They have offices in a lot of countries. They are expanding the US further now. It is indeed a work visa, that can be changed later on to green cards. I’m spouse of…

He doesn’t have a visa for Spain as they had to honour people living on the right papers, before the change date, in Spain. He lived in Spain 15 years now. We had our recidencias reapplied just in time. So that is a bit of luck.

When I read your words I notice all the minor adjustments you have to rely on the translator for that I never paid attention to before now like "shoe" and "shew" for example. Is English tough to learn?

You, young lady, are so practiced! 15 years you've been doing this?? Dayum. I'm even more female dog than I thought, all this wa wa'n barely six years in. Hell yeah I bet you're ready to park.

See how easy you have it mapped out already to qualify for stay in the US? Neither of you are from there and you have a simple map. Now check me out, can you feel my disappointment?

Gotcha, Turkey. Tell me what you think. Have you been there? Here's the scoop. My culture does shit like invest a buncha money in our teeth, "guilty!" Subsequently, we schedule things like routine check ups and maintenance, "routine," meaning every six months. Teeth cleanings, X-rays, etcetera all in the same appointment 2x/year. They're free where we're from so when England said £500 I was OUTRAGEOUS! A routine teeth cleaning is £500! Crazy. That doesn't include a check up. 5 hundred fucking pounds! My point is..

Turkey I can get them cleaned and a full check up for $35. Figured while we're there might as well stay a month. I'd love to know what you think though. Should we get our teeth cleaned and get outta there.

I for sure make still mistakes in my English.
I don’t use a translator… Since I met hubby almost 6 years ago in Spain, (also late in my life like you) I talk every day English and dream English now. I only started learning English because of my art in 2011. I didn’t have it in school, back in the days. We could chose as foreign language German or English. I was fluent in German so chose that…. Hahaha lazy younger me. So now many moons later I wish I had chosen differently. Please let me know when I make mistakes… still learning English. 🤓
I haven’t done classes or learnt with books. I learned it the parrot fashion way… watching movies, music and tv.
So I thought I knew most… until I started writing here on Hive hehehe 🤭 I discovered words are written differently, like heart and heard, my pronunciation makes them both the same hehehe, also my worst ones, to and too, a and an, life and live, built and build, of and off etc. for me it sounds the same so I couldn’t put them in the right spot.
Hubby was correcting me in the beginning here in Hive, before I posted a post, he isn’t doing that since 2 months now. I still see mistakes when I reread it. But I pick up on them myself now. Getting there…

English is my 4th language in learning order. 😇😎 doing my best writing now, without help or the translator. (Spanish is 5th)

We so are ready to settle… I for sure moved too much, not counting travel, I moved close to 50 times… in 5 countries.

Doesn’t mean that they accept us yet, still many things could go differently. But we hope for the best. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻Positive thinking.
Yes, I soooo understand you and the disappointment now. Especially her being British. It is crazy. I did read some other comments from you in your post here. So I have a bigger view of it now. So sorry this is happening.
Maybe “life” is guiding you further… to maybe “your” perfect spot!

I would just get the teeth done and get out of it, see a few sights and that is it. If you want a country that is good for women, that isn’t the one to go. Especially living there. Even if it would be cheap.
Yes, I had friends from Turkey but the things going on behind doors… nope… not for me or you I think.
Healthcare can be crazy… in some countries. It is expensive in many countries. I payed a fortune in the Netherlands for them to mess my teeth completely up… lol

Happy to brainstorm a bit more if you want… Ireland sounds nice and Croatia too.

Apologies, I thought you used a translator. In that case, you're doing great! For some reason I thought you used one. Those words you mentioned like heard and heart. I never even gave it "two" thoughts but now that you point it out, I see how complicated they could be. And build/built is way worse!! Again, I paid no attention but now that you mention it, they're so close; sound the same, nearly spelled identical but completely different meanings.

Don't get 'too' hung up on to and too (or two). I know native English speakers, some are even school teachers who still screw that up. I'm embarrassed for them and they should know but someone who speaks 5 languages, don't worry about it. Life/live, fascinating!

Out of all 5 languages you speak, which is the toughest to learn? Which is or was easiest? Which is probably another one huh? Witch and which.. Crazy, I never thought of these things for someone who's learning a new language there's another one!! Knew and new, hey.. one and won. Crazy!

You're doing frikkin great! No husband help or translator, you're doing just fine.

I will absolutely not point out your English flaws, are you nuts? I'm already on a number of blacklists from the biggest whales on the platform and who knows how many shitlists I'm on. I lost count how many people have me muted. Could you imagine I'm over here correcting your English?! = }

Danget. She was kinda concerned about that. I told her it wouldn't be as bad as Egypt. We've dealt with plenty of that, it gets real old real fast. Alright, we won't book a whole month in advance before we stay a couple days first.

Spouse Visa. Horrible timing! First brexit, then covid, now this. Yes, guided. Jjust gotta see it that way cuz being angry and confused and frustrated doesn't change anything as I'm sure you're well aware.

These responses are so long.

Thank you so much.
Funny now you know, you do see them. Some are difficult as I never did grammar or learned them the right way. Just by hearing and speaking - true parrot fashion. Bit by bit I get there.
Where and were is another good one hehehe 🤭No apologies needed @dandays 😉😊 all good.

Wow, I won’t worry to much about it than. Thanks for that.

The toughest one… is I think Spanish. As it is so different in many ways. But also mainly because when speaking my pronunciation messes up words and locals don’t know what I say.
Than German. Easiest I think Limburgs a dutch dialect. As it is a mix between German and Dutch. But the people in Holland (northern part of the Netherlands) can’t understand it.
But german and Dutch are my “native” languages so to speak. Even though I was born in France, I only speak some words French. German was my first language and than we moved to the Netherlands when I was 6 years old. So had to learn that.

Which and with I know. Also two and knew, new… one and won, those are easy for me. But I think because when I say them they don’t sounds the same. Interesting right?

Ok ok, I won’t ask you to. I understand. 🤓

Yep, could be even worse than Egypt, but experience it and keep it in mind. Be careful! Don’t book a whole month just on the safe side.

Yep, I know all about it, we get frustrated at paperwork and clerks that don’t know anything. But it just has no point, you are on the losing side of the table, just smile and wave…
We will figure it out as will you. Life goes on 😊👋🏻😎

I don’t mind writing long comments

Good night talk tomorrow…

Pura is pretty good with Spanish, we can get by on what she knows in a Spanish speaking community. Mine needs a lot of work but I know the basics. It's so difficult for me. The language is like a backwards speaking language or something. Rather than 'that was necessary' it's 'necessary is that.' <- Not the greatest example but hopefully I'm explaining myself. Spanish is tough, glad it's not just me.

We'll be in the Netherlands next month. We're staying just a city block outside city center between Anne Frank house and Rembrandt Park, near Van Gogh museum if you can visualize that on a map. We've never been there yet.

France to Netherlands, Germany, etcetera all at a young age. If you don't mind me asking, what did your parents do that moved you around so much?

See the pattern? We have more in common than you think. I was raised by a single mother. I never stayed in the same school longer than a year until I got to high school. We were always moving. Fast forward to today and I can't tell you the last time I signed a year lease. I can't sit still.

See you soon.

That’s great to know, than you won’t have much trouble in getting around with the language in Spain.
Yep, that’s what I meant it is all different to me too, everything is Hustled up. Complicated sentences.
You do know we are leaving Spain for a lot of reason right?
We so outgrew it since we are here. Spain is changing fast the last years and not in a good way, at least here in the south. It is truly worrying how they are treating any foreigners now next to the tourists.
That is why we are actually leaving, so found the company way to assist us in it.

That’s cool, enjoy Amsterdam! It is a very diverse and bustling city. Busy too, very fast.

In the beginning my father was an international truck driver and my mom would go along, even with me when I was a baby… than after his accident, they bought houses, fixed them up and sold them. Ongoing till I moved out… Always on the move my family was, it did have other reasons too.
I haven’t been in one school either. Maximum of 2 years… but that was rare, what caused problems of course, just when you started to settle get friends we move again hahaha I think you know all about that.
Until I moved out of my parents place with 16… after that I still kept moving around. For a variety reasons. Maybe it is in-betted? Could it be? Are we forever wanderers?
Hubby isn’t like that, until he met me 6 years ago hahaha 🤣 but the funny thing we did move a lot together for valid reasons. Like the rentals roof was collapsing, work change 250km away, work relocation to Malta, etc.

Yep… here too. We made it twice a few weeks over 1 year lease in the last 6 years hahaha
And were we are now, we will stay longer, end of august 1 year is gone… we don’t want to switch addresses now with all the application processes. The landlord agreed to go on month by month after the end of august. We haven’t seen the new contract yet… but hope it’s ok.

We have indeed quite a bit in common there. Interesting and cool at the same time.