Sorry to send you back three years like that. I was telling Nathen how seeing such old content of mine, I realize now I used to attach way too many links. This blockchain world we're creating, you and I, it's an ever evolving thing.
I still have about 100 more images from the paint on the West Bank wall, some Banksy's and many other hot shots. Been nearly 3 years and they're still on an SD card somewhere. I doubt I'll ever get to them.
Yeah when we booked that stay I wanted to stay in Jerusalem and Bethlehem Pura was saying how Tel Aviv is world renowned for street art yata yata and I was yeah, ok! I'm from LA... Tel Aviv - Next! Yeah, well, I uh wear a 9n1/2 and we'll just say I ate it.
I'll keep an eye for your street art. I love that stuff.
No worries @dandays even if it is 3 years old. It’s great to see. Especially from a place like Tel Aviv. Never expected that hahaha 😎
Indeed, lots of links… but we evolve and create what works best for us along the way. And it is good that it keeps evolving, as we all grow. 🤓
Wow… maybe one day you get to them. Sounds like me. I have so many photo folders… sometimes hard to get through them. But we do safe them. Just in case. Like memories.
Hahaha lol funny, yep you do need to be careful in certain places. But your still here. So all good 😎
Thanks a lot.
Enjoy the evening!
You're so got dang sweet I censor my curse words!
Hahaha appreciated 😉💃🏻 Lol