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RE: It's What's On The inside That Matters

in #outofthinair11 months ago

Well ain't you just the sweetest. That virtual pressure on your cheek was me.

OMG -> Dislocating a knee. No thanks! I think it was my second reconstructive that stopped the thing from popping out. So painful and at the oddest times too but not a dislocation. OUCH!

I'm happy to report I'm progressing well. Ahead of schedule actually. The dog's pissed. Pura's pissed cuz I can't pick up the dogs poop like normal cuz the property isn't level but progressing none the less.

Thank you. <3


Well received!

I can speak from experience that dislocating knees are indeed no fun at all, I'd not recommend, but hey they say always DYOR :)

That's great that you're ahead of schedule and I'm sure the ladies will be thankful when you are healed sooner than expected, especially with all the poop..

I'm sure within no time you'll be the master poop scooper again <3