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RE: I Don't Always Reno But When I Do

in #outofthinair7 months ago

Awe = } you're the best. Leg is ahead of schedule. Pleasantly surprised actually. Wish I could say the same about the hand. Patience.

Oh man, the gospel music in the gym, sinnereth expellers every Saturday and baptist churches across the street from each other like competing convenience stores isn't an exaggeration. That's why it's so funny.

They're so over the top they kinda lean a little more circus than religious. Maybe it's just me.

Much love you. Thank you.



The leg is trying to balance out the extra time needed by the hand ;) But it sucks that the hand is not progressing as fast as you hoped... Patience is a virtue isn't it?

They're so over the top they kinda lean a little more circus than religious. Maybe it's just me.

I'm happy I don't have that much inconvenience from it here, we only see a few Jehova's standing at the entrance of the park for kids (I kid you not) to "educate" (read: convert) the sinning kids to their religion. Oh and we had them at our door a few times in the other apartment building, but that's it. I've seen them WAY more often when I lived in Holland with my mother still because we had a Jehova's witness building in front of our home more or less.

Thankfully, even though the Spaniards are religious, I'm absolutely not bothered by anyone being religious here.

Cute Atlas, little beauty!

And sending hand healing vibes your way, I hope for once, it helps! :)


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PS thanks for your support, I've noticed and I'm grateful <3

You know it's purely my own selfish curation desires. <3

Yeah I figured it could not be because I write something nice :) lol

Nothing to do with I admire your mothering, either. Nope! Pure unequivocal capitalism, babe.

Don't worry, I know my place :) Thankfully, I don't hold grudges, especially not when people make me laugh with their content. I shall return here anyway!