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RE: This is For Entertainment Purposes Only

in #outofthinair2 years ago (edited)

First off check out DMSO for your nerve/back pain.

The middle of this post, for me, sounded like someone was playing MSNBC in the background while you tried to sleep with extreme pain. I see more of a weird multi generational blending coming to ahead. The gen xers are in their retirement phase, millennials are starting their mid life crisis and the gen Ys are being given the keys to the lambo without really learning what a lambo is much less how to fill it up with free energy. Too busy waiting for the government to start the car and drive it for them.

In my observations and bat Sh!t crazy opinion, about 7 out of 10 people are sociopaths and 1 out 10 are psychopathic, leaving 2 out of 10 wishing they had a underground bunker...

Puppy looks happy and healthy! Loving that lil guie!


Dang dude, you said that so well I'm tempted to verify authenticity.

Wink. Whaddup! Much thanks for the continued support. Nailed the generations.

Thanks more than this for the supplement info. I'm on it. I'm open to anything right now. I'm miserable.

About the middle. I have another piece completed and a couple more in the works and they all have a noose, dark, hardly any humor background. I read'em like, what the hell?? That's why I haven't released the other one. Tough to write happy, happy, funny, lol when you're in this much pain I guess.

Damn I sound like a female dog!

You had me at yummy.