You want to breed dogs huh? That's cool. We had a couple German Shepherds, big ones. One of them, called Sabre, was a monster. Was a good dog though.
We have cats now.
I guess for you, liking to travel so much it might limit how much, or when, you can get away? I'm not sure, just surmising. Anyways, I'm sure you've got it worked out.
I hope all is on track up your way.
(again).Oh man I just love them! And you nailed it, that’s why we’re doing this traveliving now, sir, we gave ourselves two years—one down, one to go. There’s no way we can do this once we get to the next step. I think you’re in for another long one @galenkp
So, we’re enjoying this opportunity and loving every minute of it but I’m not gonna lie man, the closer we get to that next step, the one where our property is actually a training facility, the more excited and anxious I am. I’ve been planning this move since 2014, can you believe that?? How’s this? I met the female breeder about four years ago, already know where I’m getting her, they’re in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The reason we crossed the Atlantic is because we need to go spend as much time as it takes in Germany and find the ‘right’ breeder (saving that part for last), I have very specific guidelines, cuz my male is going to be from Germany.
First I had exit the work world, so I made a 20 year plan and I was able to complete it. Now I need to get this traveliving out of my system and see what’s meant to be seen over this two year period, 1/2 way there man! 👍🏿
I’m actually to the point now where I’ve been searching out properties back in the states just to keep an eye on what things are going for. I’m really excited, can you tell? I’ve been planning this move for a long time.
Glad we “met” @galenkp. Got a picture of Sabre?