I'd rather be in a room with a sociopath than a single dude who just buried his dog of 15 years.
Yo Bro, no single here and never had a dog anyhow... but maybe i'm a bit socio, but sure a lot psychopath. At least what my parents told me long ago. But that's a story for another day.
And for the pinched nerve may now use the little baggies you found in the UK some time ago?
It's cool. I only get what I want almost all the time anyway.
Are your parents the reason you're in witness protection?
But really, this pain is impressive. Just keep getting treatment and waiting for it to go away. Sucks. I'd be on the next plane if those bags helped cuz sure ain't anything helping over here.
Nerves are no joke.
My third lumbar vertebra is deformed (no that explains not a lot), so i can relate to pinched nerves a least. - runs off to get his hempy medication 😎
That's also why i told my parents to get off mine, which put me in witness protection. But i told you that's a story for another day. Yep, nerves are no joke...
I woke up again today hoping for results but my hand is still lame. Dude, it's crazy.
Can't zip up a sweater, put on shoes, hold a fork, wipe my..... fuckin shitty.
One thing i remember helping me at the worst times... Hamam! Sending you some warmth!
Ain't no got dang hamams in the US! We're too littered with hospitals and churches, you know, the real businesses that take up room to build healing baths.
Ha, you really are the luckiest guy you know... Bro! 😳
I only lie to those I love. No offense, we're just not there yet.