
Thank you more for clicking it. 3 year old content. Looking at it now I realize I used to attach way too many links.

I keep having a wander back into your history mate! I missed so much. I really like the links, they add another dimension to posts and follow up reading. I wish more people would do it. Getting round the 'back streets' where you're most likely to find street art is the best way of learning about any city!

This is one of those times I wish I'd developed something with more substance than Thank You! See what I mean?

I was gonna attach an old one from Ilkley or one from Liverpool since you might've heard of'em but did you ever see the drawing I did of Ed? Or how I met Pura? Pretty prouda those ones.

Much love Nathen. 👊🏼

Well worth it in every way 🤩Hi @nathen007 👋🏻😎 cool you are following…

I'm just a bit slow @littlebee4 , one of the very few advantages of being 56 is that I can officially use my age as an excuse ;-)

No your not… slow… or even old yet.
But yes, I know what you mean @nathen007 it all changes one day and than that excuse comes so in handy.