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RE: I Got 99 Problems But A Home Ain't One

in #outofthinair3 years ago

Nope. I'm not sure I know what a nuts poser is. Does it mean someone who pretends or poses like he's nuts when he ain't or something?🌚

Well, feel free, man, post whenever.

I'm sure Nigeria would be more welcoming, mostly because its not bombarded with immigrants yet.

Wow! That's what you've come to find! Sadly I can't argue with that, I can only say some things get worse and some others get better. But in general...🙆🏿‍♂️.


Nuts Poser

Hahahahaha 😂.

Ahhhh... Learned something new by reading the comments. Thanks Arts.? I think..?


Any time dude! That's Nevies. He put up this article about a week ago where he was caught on film urgently needing to piss.