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RE: This is For Entertainment Purposes Only

in #outofthinair2 years ago

Bleak! So much bleakness on Hive today! I come to you for laughs, but here we have not much other than bleak. And a puppy. Bleak and a puppy bleak and a puppy. Yup, just another day on Hive.

Bummer about the pinched nerve which, I think, is in actual fact a real thing. Ouch! I sure hope that gets better soon!

At least you have a cute puppy, assuming it's yours. She's gonna be pretty pissed about those photos when she gets older.

None of the ten is a politician? Oh wait, the tanned guy is a politician.

Made up on the fly like politics.


Wait, what? Dammit if I didn't already enter comedy open mic! = }

Hello. Thanks for keeping an eye on me.

I kinda noticed the bleak you're talking about. But I'm just now seeing it all, today would've been a good day for funny. You're right. Pinched nerves fault. Fuckin thing. Hurts too much to laugh!

No bleak, coming up. That's Atlas. She's mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine.


German shepherd? She's beautiful. There's nothing like a puppy to call ones own! Having to walk her and care for her in your condition (not pregnant) must be hard. I'm a bit sick and the most I have done for my Hazel since Tuesday is to let her out in the back yard. Usually she, and I, take lovely long walks in the woods where she can run and explore, and I can pray she doesn't walk out onto any of the half frozen ponds lining the trail, or fall down a steep bank into the fast running river. This actually did happen once, and there she was, swimming in the frigid water. It didn't seem to bother her at all! But she did get right out, thank goodness.


Hazel is F'ing adorable.

I don't wanna be all female doggy but, yes, what you said. And she doesn't understand I can't do normal right now like walk.. reach.. et cetera. It's a little tough and she's only getting more energy by the day.

This some boooolsh...

Hazel. She's happy.