This reminds me of the time I was in a play, and an autistic man had also been cast (the director had an autistic son). Everyone avoided him except for me. It was the first play he had ever been in, and he was quite freaked out. He did make some awful jokes, but who cares? Since I was the only person who would have anything to do with him and he was anxious, he followed me everywhere I went. One time he was standing outside the bathroom when I came out. If the others had been more friendly, I believe his behavior would have been less difficult to be around.
His colleagues must never have had anything to do with a down's person. They are generally incredibly loving and kind. What could his colleagues possibly be jealous of? Eventually, the others will come around.
I'd buy you a coffee if you were at a booth in the back by yourself all clackety clackety. <3
We were always cool with them, it was a long time ago but I remember them. They rode different buses and ate lunch together but we were always cool with each other.
Name was great, I wonder where the hell he is now? He'd always run over to me, high-five me in the middle of a football game or the quad or wherever.
Nobody had a problem with them.
I could keep going.....