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RE: It's What's On The inside That Matters

Good morning from Upstate NY. I'd ask you how you are doing but the pictures answer that question. At least your insurance company finally gave you the green light to get the procedure. The healing process takes some time but with every passing day, things get a little better.

Walkers suck for sure but they are a lot better than crutches, which I'm sure would be impossible for you to use with still having a hand issue. Going to the bathroom (porta potty) I found it to be more of an issue than the walker.

Are you going to physical therapy? I know that for me it worked great. At the end of every session, the therapist attached an electrical device to the knee to stimulate circulation to increase blood flow to the area.

Hang in there my friend, before long you'll be up and around taking long walks in the woods with Atlas.

Say hello to Pura for me. What the heck would we do if at times like this we didn't have a partner who felt our pain and attended to our every need?


Good morning my man, long time no this. I know you are but I'll say it anyway: I hope you're well.

Thanks for finding me, much appreciate you checking in, I know you're ahead of me on this one. I got some questions. I'll answer yours first.

Physical therapy, yes. Twice a week up until next week, we'll cut back to one. I'm getting 100-104 degrees outta my knee right now.

The ladies. I tell Pura and I try to emphasize it. I don't know if she understands but if not for her, I wouldn't agree to these procedures.

Did you experience any of the cl-click--clicking in the beginning. I'm attributing it to swelling and the quad muscle. I'm assuming it'll go away??

How far out are you now and do you even remember what it's like to be in pain? Is it 100% gone? Is there new pains now?

Happy new year dude.

Forgot to ask, how's the hand doing.

Crazy, right? That and now this. I can't squeeze a trigger yet. Those extended lighters, for example, like for a bbq, I can't strike one. Thumb is much better.. Probably 75% of my thumb back.

Finger, less than 50. Better than zero but far from where I need to be. But, progress. Haven't digressed at all.

Thanks Sweed. It's been wild. Life.

Heard you guys are in Fla, helluva time for it. Snow and snow and rain and snow this way.

It sounds like things are getting better, but still a way off. This hand thing has been going on for a while. It would have been great if the hand was 100% before you had to deal with the knee.
Let's hope that six months from now you are back to yourself.

We had a good time in Florida, but the weather was not as warm as we had expected. We had only a few days above 70 degrees, with many days in the 50s, but still a lot warmer than the single-digit temps here at home.

Sorry for the late reply. A day after getting home we packed our bags and went back to NJ for four days visiting the kids.

Peace, my friend.

Good morning buddy. I hope you're feeling a little better than yesterday.
Oh, the old clicking sound, yeah I had that for the first several months. Asked my therapist about it and he said that it is very common. He also stated that as the knee gets stronger it will disappear, which it did.
The pain is gone, as well as any memories of it until I looked at your pics. Viewing them was a stark reminder.

The knees haven't felt this good in ten years. Total success, I should have gotten them done years ago.
I've been exercising regularly, walking, high knee bends, walking backwards, and squats with my ass almost hitting the ground.

The first knee was done about 18 months ago and the second knee almost a year ago.

Lots of new pains, but not with the knees. 😊😒

It's good to hear from you!

What do they say, (patience is a virtue)

I'm so glad I found this message. Thanks Sweed. You're one of the ones I counted on info from cuz I can't seem to be in the same room with someone who's had the procedure.

Much appreciate the reply sir.

It's early. This was a good one to wake up to.

You are very welcome. Keep the faith young man.