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RE: Like Oh My God Beep

in #outofthinair10 months ago

Give me a car without all of the bells and whistles and I'd be thrilled.
I enjoy Driving and have a hard time putting my life in the hands of all this new technology.
I've turned everything off in our car, except what can't be disabled like when I cross a lane and the dashboard shows a red line showing which lane I've intruded on.
Another thing that I can't seem to disable is a warning that comes on, check your back seat. this happens every time I put something on the back seat. I guess they are afraid I've left a baby back there. The way I look at it is that if you left a baby in the back seat while stepping out to do some shopping, you should not have had a kid in the first place.

Give me the old cars, the ones that I'm smarter than and the ones that when you look under the hood it doesn't look like a jigsaw puzzle, I hate puzzles.

I hope you and your bride are doing well and that you haven't been caught up in some of the nasty weather that seems to take place in the Volunteer State.


I got a couple gutter repair guys coming out the next couple days actually. Minor damage. Just needs repaired and I'm far from climbing a ladder.

Whaddup Sweed! Always nice to hear from you.

Man, if the car doesn't have cameras and blind spot monitors, for the safety of fellow motorists, it's best I don't get behind the wheel.