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You and your wife are expecting a baby! Congratulations!

Congrats! I almost put it in my post yesterday without thinking.

bitcoin is growing lol

good guess...but no 😊

You need to clean your oven?😁

Aha, true but no it isn't 😊

Looks like there is a bun in the oven. I must say congratulations! I wish all to be happy and healthy!

Congrats on the new little one in the way. Also that bread looks good

You have a camera.

And an oven...You forgot that part.

He could be at a friend’s house. Duh.

True story.

And food

Baby cryptoctopus!

Congrats, someone has been busy! is this going to be your first child?

Baby bread :)))

Congratulations @cryptoctopus! :)

Congrats! And Welcome to the Club!

A "bun in the oven". Congrats! Will this be your first child?

I bet you are going to be a parent! If I'm right: congratulations!

Congratulations! (having a baby).

Congratulation's !!!! My children and grandchildren are my life and the best thing a man can wish for in his life... Many Congratz!!!!!!!

Congrats:) Baby @cryptoctopus

Your Baby is on the way!!

A bun in oven


Do you want a boy or a girl? Congrats!

Looks like a bun in the oven and congrats are in order. Congratulations :)

I thought you were cutting down calories for more cryptos at first, but I guess the expression is lost on me haha. Congrats!

baby timee woo

Congratulations! But with a Rep score of 72, when did you have time to bake that bread?
Well, it doesn't look like twins.

You got a kiddo on the way, duh!
But you should really look into a pan or something, raw bread dough falling through that grate could cause a yuuuuge mess. ;)

Less time behind to become a daddy congratulations.

Congratulations! You're going to be a daddy.

Your choice of tags is as humorous as the visual message!

Congratulations seem to be in order! My own buns are 23 and 16 and the elder one just gave the world a new bun earlier this year! If this is your first bun, your baking adventure will consume your life and give you new meaning! Enjoy!

you will become a daddy
Congrulations sir!

Baby in Incubator @cryptoctopus

Congrads @cryptoctopus on your bun in the oven.

Going to have a baby

I guessed "bun in the oven" meaning you're having a child, then I saw that everyone else got it too. Congratulations!!!!!

Bun In the oven? Congrats If so :D

that's mean that you have no gas ☺this why there is no fire.

or you are not preparing bred, or you just keep it there to keep it soft ☺

There are 2 pages