We are surrounded by a constant stream of information in our 21st-century world.
How much of our stress and an anxiety is caused by this modern phenomenon?

I've been spending a lot of time on social media for the past six months...too much time in fact.
I didn't realize this until a recent situation happened.
Recently, my Quora account was banned by moderators for reasons unknown (the mods made a mistake and it was restored).
Initially, I was very upset about this since I wrote a lot on Quora.
I really enjoy answering questions where I could use my counseling and psychotherapy knowledge to assist others.
I felt I was unfairly targeted by overzealous Quora moderators (turns out...I was!)
However, since I am attempting to increase more positivity in my life and reduce negativity...I thought about the situation more deeply, meditating upon it.

How could I use this situation to increase my psychological resilience?
It occurred to me that I spend way too much time online.
Specifically, I spend too much of my day on social media: Quora, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and even Instagram...I don't even have an account there, so I look at other people's pics.
I could argue that I was spending my time building my personal brand there but that wouldn't be completely true.
Yes, I make connections and help people but I also spend too much time going down the rabbit hole of information glut.
I am like a vacuum when it comes to sucking up all that information.

The problem is that information is neverending.
Find an article about something interesting?
You can find another that says the information from the other article is not true. On top of that, you have the constant white noise of everyone's poorly thought out opinions, trolling trolls and barely disguised sales copy.
It is stressful and anxiety provoking after a while.
A while back, I began a process of getting rid of useless material possessions in my life and living a more minimalist lifestyle.
The time has come for a serious purge of cognitive accumulation. I am taking a step back from the social media information glut.
I am reprioritizing my life.
Do you find all this 21st information tide wave overwhelming as well?

Here a few ideas I have found helpful to reduce the internet information glut.
3 Behaviors To Reduce Information Overload
- Meditation: Try to meditate daily; it will reduce your stress (e.g. blood pressure), increase concentration and you will feel less anxious. I like using Insight app but other apps exist if you need a good starting point for your practice.
- Bedtime: Shut off all electronics an hour before bedtime. I find that when I read or watch something on social media; especially if it is designed to push the consumer's emotional buttons, I have a hard time going to sleep. I tend to ruminate and can't shut off my mind. Recently, I've started reading somewhat boring psychology texts before bed, it sets the proper tempo for me.
- Nature: If you struggle with stress and anxiety, one of the best prescriptions has always been spending time in nature. A camping trip or all day hike really works wonders. In the summer, I love getting on a stand-up paddle-board and slowly moving through water. It has a calming effect on my mind. If you're too busy for such activities or live in a more urban environment, just a walk in a park can be helpful. The most important part of this behavioral activity is not to take your smartphone with you.
The internet and social media are awesome tools.

I'm glad I have access to them but as of late, I've become overwhelmed.
I need to get my center back.
So if you see less of me on the interwebs, know that I am taking care of my personal needs.
Are you doing the same?