I got to say that I am pretty hype for this Story Event, but I hope we get to keep the Pve modes after all this is over.
Trailer of Retribution.
New Skins
- Equalizer Lucio (New) | BlackWatch Moira (New) | Soldier 24 Reaper (New) | Paja Mei (New) Scion Hanzo (New) | Talon Sombra (New) | Talon DoomFist | Specimen 28 Winstion (New)
- Null Sector Orisa | Cheif Engineer Torbjorn | IronClade Torbjorn |Null Sector Bastion | Lieutenant Wilhelm [Reinhardt] | BlackWatch Genji | Combat Medic Ziegler [Mercy] | Cadet Oxton [Tracer] | BlackWatch Mccree | Talon Widowmaker
New Highlight Intros
- Zarya (Graviton Surge) (New) | DoomFist (Combo) (New) | Orisa (Immovable) (New)
- TorbJorn (My baby) | D.va (Selfie) | Zenyatta (Perspective)
No New Emotes
Voice Lines
Two New Sprays
- Ana | Bastion | Brigitte (New) | D.va | DoomFist | Genji | Hanzo | Junkrat | Lucio | Mccree | Mei | Mercy | Moria (New)
- Orisa | Pharah | Reaper | Reinhardt | Roadhog | Soldier:76 | Sombra | Symmetra | Torbjorn
- Tracer | Widowmaker | Winstion | Zarya | Zenyatta
New and Old Victory Poses
- Ana | Bastion | Brigitte (New) | D.va | DoomFist | Genji | Hanzo | Junkrat (New) | Lucio | Mccree | Mei | Mercy | Moria (New)
- Orisa (New) | Pharah | Reaper | Reinhardt | Roadhog (New) | Soldier:76 | Sombra | Symmetra | Torbjorn
- Tracer | Widowmaker | Winstion | Zarya | Zebyatta
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