Interesting and at least partially true, though I would say superstition has played a role here as well. I grew up with an interest in these things, and studied the nature of them, if not the practice.
Magic, especially when viewing the variegated pagan perspectives of it, is a multifaceted word with many applicable definitions. In essence, it generally can be described as a science or an interpretation of a science that is not even close to being fully understood. Alien technology, interaction with beings on other phases, the intricacies of cause and effect, attempting to cheat or break the natural structure of existence... all of these could be called magic, if a more accurate description of them is not readily available.
In many cases, especially within pagan factions (as there are many) truth is mixed with superstition to generate a pseudoscientific placebo. Many have no applied notion of an entity, whether trustworthy or not, helping in whatever goal they aim for. Some believe it is the inherent power of the user or their powerless materials that accomplishes tasks.
I'll be the first to say we can do far more with the spiritual and biological faculties at our disposal. What one might call a superpower is just a honed skill set to another, a skill set that can be fully understood within the laws of nature if those laws themselves are sufficiently understood.
Still, there is good reason for any student of Christ's teachings to be wary of "magical" matters, and to take a very pragmatic stance towards them for a number of reasons from scripture and from logic.