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RE: Non Opioid Pain relief

in #pain8 years ago

Have you heard about Rick Simpson Oil? I haven't tried it myself but I hear it has cured certain cancers, chronic pain and such. I'll let you do the research, but it's basically Canabis oil, there are 2 types for different types of ailments, and you take one drop a day, once it's in oil form. It's something you could look into. Other things I'm familiar with are very mild and mostly for emotional and psychological illnesses, which what I take those things for.

Part of me isn't surprised the medical department laughed at you, I lost my faith in the medical system long before I could speak lol Long story, but thank goodness my mother said no to them back then. Crazy stuff sometimes.

Anyway, best of luck to you, I hope you find the remedy that fits your needs.