Every year every month every day every hour at any time Each lifetime must have a difference from the past, be it a difference to the positive or negative. Especially with the rapid technological developments to be one that causes changes that exist throughout the world.
So many are aware if modern technology is sophisticated nowadays it actually makes life in this world more horrible like ZOMBI down town. Marco Melgrati, an Italian illustrator now living in Mexico, is trying to illustrate the changing world of today with illustrations
foto :Marco Melgrati
#Love your enemies
foto :Marco Melgrati#The world is full of imagery!
foto :Marco Melgrat
foto :Marco Melgrat#Narcissism has a virus
#Close but far away.
foto :Marco Melgrat#Always wanted to find a shortcut.
foto :Marco Melgrat#The death of privacy
foto :Marco Melgrat#The law of karma
foto :Marco Melgrat#Shackled in work.
foto :Marco Melgrat#Many people do not put their brains properly.
#What happened to America?
foto :Marco Melgrat
#War on behalf of religion and God.
foto :Marco Melgrat#Everyone needs someone else.
foto :Marco Melgrat#Money that moves politics.
foto :Marco Melgrat#Shackled with an elaborate love.
#Now it's easy to lead public opinion.
Hopefully everyone can be introspected
foto :Marco Melgrat#The face of the media today.
foto :Marco Melgrat#Understanding is different from what is seen.
foto :Marco Melgrat#Overly ignore existing warnings.
foto :Marco Melgrat#Environmental destruction occurs only for the sake of money.
#That depicted far from reality.
#Get busy with smartphones.