
I don't think my hands would ever forgive me again @juliakponsford

You should treat yourself to some carpal tunnel exercises :)

If I may ask @juliakponsford..... What are carpal tunnel exercises...

They're just good stretches for your wrist if you are doing repetitive motions it's not healthy! Look on YouTube there 're lots of videos demonstrating how to do them. You need to take care of your wrists they do a lot for you!

Noted.. Wow definitely check it out... Really appreciate the advice

I should probably do some now as well I've been on the computer all day and I can feel it aching a little!

@juliakponsford.... Just saw your art competition.... This post could actually serve as an entry into the competition right since it all about squares....

Sure go for it, I'm allowing two from each person if you would like to contribute something else as well!

Yeah... Will definitely contribute something else