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RE: The Zionist Regime Has 350 Palestinian Children Illegally Incarcerated in Their Jails

in #palestine7 years ago

People who are saying, "You can't steal what was once yours," that means going back millennia in the case of Israel. So by that logic, my religion, Druidry, can reclaim most of northern Europe, and kick all the Christians out. It was once ours!
Being against the apartheid in Israel is not anti-semitic. It doesn't mean being anti-Jewish people. There are JEWISH PEOPLE against the apartheid in Israel.
SOUTH AFRICA has said that what is going on in Israel is apartheid. I think South Africans would know.
If you're thinking there needs to be a Jewish state for their safety, okay: give them a chunk of Texas or something. America has LOTS of land, and then they'd be surrounded by their best national friend, the United States! As an American Citizen, I'd vote for that. It would stop this, and was what should have happened in the 40s!


First Merica and Canada needs to give back all the
CONQUERED land to the natives. Then you have a right to tell who needs to give back conquered land in other regions. Look in the mirror before commenting on what other nations should be doing. This is what I can’t stand.. clean up your own shit at home before being the ultimate hypocrite. All are hypocrites! That’s why this whole thing is covered up Jew hatred. Using Poor Palestinians as a reason to criticize Israel while ignoring the genocide and stolen land of natives in North America. Number one blazing reason. Europeans as well. Only difference is that the natives have been disarmed and thrown onto “reserves”.

You are using the most asinine argument on the internet.
A) IT IS POSSIBLE TO CARE ABOUT MANY CAUSES AT ONCE. There is no hierarchy. People suffering here and people suffering there are still people suffering. I personally am an acrivist about bloody everything. I don't understand narrow focus.
B) This is what people say about "you shouldn't send money to starving people overseas when there are homeless vets,"and then they ignore the homeless vets and tell them to get a job. They don't care about the homeless vets, they just want to stop people from helping people they don't like.
C) You're projecting big time. I'm sorry you hate Palestinians and want to see them suffer and think Israel the state can do no wrong if other states also do wrong. The existence of injustice in the US and Canada does not erase injustice in Israel. There isn't a turn system of governments to do evil shit, where right now it's America's turn to be an asshole, so all other goverments are fine while our corrupt system fucks up the world and continues to harm Native Americans. NOT TO MENTION the States are funding and arming the Israeli military. You bet your ass it's up to Americans to protest what is done IN OUR NAME and BY OUR GOVERNMENT.
D) Insisting that we only work on one problem at a time ensures that nothing gets changed. Or perhaps you've never played whack-a-mole. Activism is like that. Think about it in American terms if you like. Abolishing slavery was a focus, then women's sufferage. What happened while everybody was focused on that?
Sweatshop labor and slums and tycoons of industry and abusive labor practices and so on. So union/economic justice movements got going, and the middle class prospered, except women were kicked back out of the workforce and told to essentially be housemaids and racism flourished with the KKK and segregation and Japanese internment and residential schools for Native kids to be taken from their families and so on. So then comes the 60s, racial justice and feminism and anti war and free love, and starting in the 70s the middle class begins getting destroyed. There is no "priority" between what people call "ID pol" or economic justice, because focusing on one or the other is playing whack-a-mole.

I could go on, but you don't want reason or logic, you just want to accuse people of anti-Semitism and ignoring Native Americans to shut them up, even though you've been proven wrong in this comment thread repeatedly. No one owes you any more time or response to your trash hyperbole. So, ya know, eat a dick. 😘

I am no lover of the USA or Canada but dude you can live in Saudi Arabia or Iran if you want too. They seem like really COOL regimes! Go live there.. or better yet go there and fix their problems.. I wonder what criticism from a Westerner will do!

Commanding what you know from a chair and telling me to eat a dick? Assuming I hate Palestinians because I care about israel's survival? I love how you defend a culture swarming around DEATH and destruction. The culture is so fantastic! Training little children to hate and shoot Israeli's.. because you know every Israeli is a target including babies, pizza shops, and weddings? Apartheid? Arabs are 1/3 of Israeli culture and citizenship.. so you IDIOTS calling it an apartheid state is not only ignorant it's stupid.

You take the side and ignore the sick demented culture of death in Gaza and the West bank? You love suicide bombings.. because they are so desperate TO KILL! If they kill some Israeli's they get money from the PLO! That's cool! Using your own citizens to kill innocent people and then pay them for it. Oh they also get a name of a street after they kill some citizens. -nice culture that doesn't need fixing.. because after all it's Israeli's fault!

Tell me commander what are you comparing? I'll explain this to your pee-bodied brain. Israel has a great military including Nuclear Weapons. If they are such savages why don't they nuke their enemies? I know that's too hard of a question for you. Im sure if Egypt, Jordan, or even Syria all had nukes back in the 70s they wouldn't have used them either (that was sarcasm pee-brain). So ya know, eat a dick. You can't change anything, nor would I want a key-board warrior like yourself to be in charge. You are nothing, just a mouthpiece for the propoganda from the "free" and hypocritical west. Oh we can focus on other issues that aren't in our own back yard.. because the world which has conquered ITSELF over and over again has some how been "fixed" but ignored?

Just keep sipping on your comfort but know you are nothing, your opinion means nothing, and you are just a key-board warrior spouting nonsense. Anti-semetism? I could give two shits about anti-semetism. After my family was eradicated I sure as hell missed the "freedom" lovers such as yourself standing up! So you know what? It's about survival I guess. You don't want Israel to survive end of story.. why? Because you have no idea what you are "fighting" for. This is for the silent voices for Israel. It's hard to fight ignorant losers on mass.

Btw: I would love for the United States to pull their "aid"! Most of the money is to develop technology for Western Chair commanders like yourself to be resold to the world. Oh? You didn't know it was an investment? Ohhhhhhhh how about you funnel your money directly to the Palestinians.. the money will be better spent blowing up innocent people.

So, yah know, eat a dick.

When it comes to violence is there any right or wrong? It just creates a cycle of fear and the violence increases as they fight for their lives. I weep for everyone in this bloodshed and while this all goes on and we are distracted by it, someone is profiting from it.