Let's Make Israel Palestine Again!

in #palestine7 years ago

Why is the Jewish religion the only one that insists on possesing a homeland? There is no Protestant Nation. I searched everwhere on Google Maps© for a Buddhistan but without any luck. Not even the wealthiest of these crackpot single old men godophiles cults, those Catholics, insist on possessing some kind of an exclusive memebership-only Jesuslandia Club. Even those creepy Thatan 8's left heading up that L. Mother Hubbard Death Cult of Scientologistness® don't rate their own entire country . Well, that's not entirely true. If you pay thier current god every penny that you make for rest of of you lifewhat's l they do get an entire planet current to themselves but they have to be wearing JUST the right underwear at JUST the right moment of a tribulation to qualify.

Dec 15, 2017, 7:35:29 PM

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Dec 13, 2017, 10:45:29 PM
Oh right, so Grandad would grab a half hour nap before jumping back into his 1972 Ford F100 pickup truck and go back in for his second shift. He loved that truck more than he loved me, more than he loved my Mother and more than he loved my Grandmother. He really did and he would tell anybody that who asked him. It really was a beautiful truck. The factory Pearl White/Royale Red over-under, two-tone paint was flawless. It shimmered. The truck looked like it was moving at 65mph when was parked in the Sun. Ford did offer a package upgrade of automatic features available for F-100 Pickup that year but Grandad didn't even consider it's purchase. “That upgrade is for wimmin if u gonna let ur wife handle your truck. I'm sure that ain't gonna never gonna happen to it" Grandad said, at top of his lungs. Came with a Three on floor, manual tranny with “crank" everything. The window-wipers we're crank too, I think hahaha. He taught me how to drive on that truck. I was 13. Well, I let him think that he taught me how to drive. Actually, while he was at work during the days, I'd walk over to his 78yo mother's house, my Great Grandma Ina Elliott. She was the Black Sheep of the family, so we hit it off instantly. She was the one who told me that I was conceived as a Bastard, just like her. She wore thick, black uneven orthopedic shoes. They weighed as much as her cast iron bean pot. Her husband, my Great Grandad Dan, had died just a few days before l was born. I only knew him from all of the old pictures she had of him propped everywhere in their house. She and him had built that place themselves, on a fine plot of bottom land just outside of town. By the time he'd died and I'd been born, that tiny oil town had: “Done growed up all around us now, Dan" Like my Grandad, Great Grandma Ina never called me ‘Terry' but not because it was a girls name like my Grandad felt. Nope, she just had always called me “Dan". I never thought to correct her. I really don't think that she ever knew my book name. I really don't think she did. It got occasionally confusing because my parents named my little brother Daniel. They did it for all of the wrong reasons. Again. In a desperate gesture to cast relevance upon their doomed from the start marriage, they named their youngest child Daniel. It never became a real issue because Great Grandma Ina died before either of them became significantly aware of each others existence. Not that it ever would have arose as one. She'd a called anybody Dan that she felt like calling Dan because there weren't nobody gonna argue with Great Grandma Ina about anything, anytime, anyway ya'know? She'd taken boarders to help pay the bills. She really didn't need to but she like the company of men. Had no use for other women. Didn't like them. She always made that loud and clear. One afternoon we were returning from selling her fresh chicken eggs giving me some driving lessons. She wouldn't ever let me drive in town because she didn't want to have to explain my presence behind the wheel to my Grandmother, who for no good reason besides the fact that she was a women, she couldn't stand. Don't ask me to explain this. I always to afraid to ask her myself. My head suddenly snapped forcibly backwards and deep into the Buick's overstuffed headrest. We accelerated from 0 - Infinity and beyond like we'd been strapped on top of a UFO! Great Grandma Ina wasn't even using the clutch somehow. There was woman, about her age, smack dab in the middle of Dearborn Street. At first I didn't think she saw her. As usual, Grandma wasn't wearing her glasses. “GRANDMAGRANDMAGRANDMAGRAND! I alerted her. “SHUT UP, DAN, AND DON'T OPEN UP YOUR MOUTH!" Damn, Great Grandma Ina had never yelled at me before. The old woman on Dearborn suddenly realized that she was in jeapordy. Real Jeapordy. Jamming on both the pedal brakes and the hand brake in a smooth, flawless, simultaneous manouver that I'd never seen executed before or since, the old new car came to a stop just as suddenly as it had started. Great Grandma Ina furiously rolled her driver side window and, spitting mad started to yell at the old lady: "EVELYN GLENDA CARTER, YOU EVIL BITCH YOU STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY DANNY. IF I EVER SEE YOU, IF I EVER HEAR ABOUT YOU SPARKING ON MY DANNY IMMAGONNA COME OVER YOUR HOME WITH MY GRANDSON AND MY SHOTGUN AND WERE BOTH GONNA KILL YA TO DEATH AND WE KILL THAT MANGY STINKING THIEVING GOAT OF YOURS TOO! Well, thanx for commiting me commit your murder. I still hadn't caught my breath enough to have whispered that under it. Standing back up off of the streets paving bricks, Evelyn stared into our car. “Ina Elliott, go home and put your seeing glasses on. Then you drive over to the Pickets house on Dearborn and come to the door and apologize to me. Lenore. Gadsens oldest daughter. Bring me a jar if your Ugly Apple Jelly, last year's so it's set up real good. And we'll call it even. This time" Great Grandma Ina was hanging her head. She'd recognized Lenores voice as soon as soon as she started talking. She'd even Midwifed her. “Who you got here, Ina, a Dan?". I was proud to nod in agreement to being “A Dan" “Make sure your Grandma doesn't forget that Ugly Apple Jelly. You how she likes to hoard that" Lenore laughed Great Grandma Ina slapped that grin right off her face. “Don't talk about me like I'm not right here, Lenore, that's bad luck and you know it. I ain't dead yet" Damn. “Don't forget the Jelly, Ina" Touche! She was pushing 80 when she started taking on the boarders. They consisted mainly of broken down men in their 60's and 70's who had suffered the great unfortune​ of having had their wives pass before they did. Unflinchingly, she refered to any and all of them as “The Old People". Great Grandma Ina was person that had actually taught how dive a car. The year before, when I was 12. She had a big, black 1932 Buick Roadmaster. She and Dan had bought it “Almost new", just before The War and she always called it “The New Car". Every time we got in that car she'd ask: “Dan, you know what the best damn thing about The New Car is?" Even on the hundredth time she'd ask me, I'd feign a true and convincing bewilderment and ask: “No, Grandma Ina, what's the big deal?" She'd stick her arm out the window and say: “The New car has got electrified turn signals! Surely I no longer have to stick out my arms outside during the Wintertime" It really was important to her, so it instantly became important to me. The very first thing that I check on every car that I've ever bought or rented since that day in 1972 was the turn singles. That woman also taught me how to can vegtables, how to hoe and sow a field and how to shoot. She had an enormous 10 gauge shotgun that I chipped both my two bottom front teeth off of the first time I pulled that trigger. Knocked me straight up in the about two feet off the ground and then slammed me right back down on my flat, kike ass! I've heard her, or any person laugh that hard in their my entire life.To this very day. She kept reloading it and shooting it, reloading and shooting reloading and shooting. I was doing all of the shooting and she was doing all the reloading. We couldn't stop laughing. Some of her Old People had gathered on the back porch and in the upstairs windows. Everybody was laughing. Thinking back on it right this second, that was one of happiest moments in my life. I really think it was for everybody else too. I shot off another couple of rounds. Did I mention that it was hammered, double-barreled and side by side? Well it was if I didn't. When I fell on the ground again one of those times I fired, I saw the town's two cops standing just outside the yard gates.They came by because they heard all the laughing. They're laughing too even as the buckshot comes raining back down on their police caps and bounced back up and then off them again. My Great Grandma had also been one of the town's midwives and had birthed both of the cops as infants. Changed their diapers and had often babysat both of them. Sometimes they'd come over in the afternoon for Dinner or sometimes they'd stop by with a mess of catfish they'd caught down by the car bridge. Still, they were scared of Great Grandma Ina. Apparently, abandoned on Prairie as Bastardand raised by all sorts of folks, inculding the local Kansa tribe. That's where the State name, Kansas came from. Just another tribe of innocent Native Americans that we had somehow managed to completely exterminate. There was nothing left of the Kansa besides their name and even that was usurped. There wasn't a pottery shard, a faded, tattered horse blanket or a Buffalo hide. Nothing. Since young Ina was a ‘wilded', orphaned, bastard girl they did “teach on her how to talk the Kansa with them" but soon the last ones either died, married or moved along. Young Ina stayed around though. Scattered Pawnee, also natives to the area, passed through looking for any place to settle down permanent but the Whites kept coming in behind them and moving onto their new lands. Then the Whites would kill off all of the Pawnee's Buffalo for no good reason but just to stave out the Indians and keep them moving West. Essentially homeless before their time, broke and directionless too. Their scattered remnants took to thieving and drinking and thieving again so that they could drink again. As the Winter closed in Young Ina gained employment from local White folk. She'd go into the smokehouses and round​ up the drunken Indians sleeping it off inside. Trouble is they'd wake up and be powerful hungry and start chowing on raw pork shoulders “hardly warmed up pig meat", she'd recount in disgust and spit out a tobacco plug. So removing the Injuns developed into this “Injun Clean-Out" operation.At this point she'd get up, teeter to and fro on her orthopedic shoes and make her way to her chifferobe and fetch the old Civil War era, Colt Navy .45 Cal black powder revolver she'd carried around with her back in the day. When anyone asked if she ever shot anybody with that antique, she'd point right at your face and say “Wanna see me try again?" That Spring they struck oil right there in El Dorado County. My Great Grandma Ina was not scared of ANYTHING. EVERYTHING was scared of her. Except me. We were both bastards. She always cussed too. Pretty sure that's who I picked it up from. Pretty sure. Her Son was my Grandad. He was my Momma's Daddy, the one with F-100 pickup truck. You remember now? Between his nap and coffee before going in for the 2nd shift he and I would sit in their Front Room and we'd the The News together on TV. It was quite an education. He couldn't be bothered with anything else on television besides the local and national news programs because ya'know, everything else on the TV is: “Wimmins shows that are only on there to sell shit to all the Wimmins" So the only television my Grandad ever watched was evening National News and the Local News that came on just before it. As soon as the anchor started getting into the story, he'd start yelling so I'm sitting right next to him, thisclose, and he's yelling “You hear that? You hear what he's telling on that TV? That's all bullshit! (this is 1972-ish). These people get paid money, good money lie right to your face" It went like that for the entire program. Every Day. Every Night. At the time I just thought that hey, Grandad really don't TV but looking back now, with all his insightful accusations of fake and phone and chock full of lies .... He believed and told me and anybody else who couldn't avoid hearing him yell:. “That right there, what he just said? Bullshit All bullshit! Every last borned word!" Grandad had been too old for WWII and to young for WWI. He did get in the Army but they never let him leave Kansas. He became an Information Officer. So he probably knew what he was yelling about.. He was deaf as a post too. Everybody that worked at Cracking Plant were deaf as a post. They'd all been working there since the but opened before the War. Sometime in the mid-1970's, OSHA, a federal workplace safety agency invaded the out of date facility. They went to every employee and handed them oil resistant work gloves and hearing protectors which they were now legally required to wear whenever they're on the job. Only 25 years too late HaHaHa For his entire life, my Grandad refused to call me ‘Terry'. Said it was a girls name. He hated my name. One time he'd taken me catfishing off the car bridge with a friend of his from the Cracking Plant, Earl. Earl had known me since I was born. They just yelled their lungs out at each other over the top of me. That really sucked when we were all in the pickup. I always had to sit in the middle of that bench seat cause Grandad couldn't shift the transmission if Earl's fat ass had been sitting there instead of mine. So there I'd be, stuck in the middle of this bench seat with them yelling at each other in a casual conversation over top of my head. On top of all that, those two never seemed to agree on anything! Everything was a screaming LOUD argument! Lovingly so. Once at that catfish bridge, I musta been about 15, my Grandad went to go pee. As soon as he was out of earshot, Earl yelled at me: “WHATS YOUR NAME, SON?" HAHAHAHA My Grandad had always been to embarassed tell him. I almost did, but instead I blurted out: “IT DON'T MATTER" Earl said: “WHAT?"

0 0 17

Dec 13, 2017, 11:58:16 AM
Ever wonder why we never hear about the ‘Peak Oil' worldwide energy disaster anymore? For an anxious country that's taken up running frantically from one manufactured, anxiety riddled crisis to the next three as it's new national pastime, you'd think that our hollow MSM would still be cutting itself on this ‘issue'. After all, they did spend quite a lot of time, money, human resources and credibility getting us all worked up about the imminent, inevitable brink of PEAK OIL Well, ya'know I wasn't gonna let my readers down. Oh no, not for one day. Love you guys, man. Mean it. Even my Haters. Especially my Haters. Y'all know what Abiotic Oil is? No? Well lemme tell y'all a tale about a bubbling crude. Oil that is. Black Gold. Texas Tea. Well the first thing you know.... Turns out that back in the 1950's, after WWII had quieted down, themthar pesky Rüsskies and their underfed geologists, chemists and massive labor force put two and two together when they accidentally discovered that an oil well which had gone dry years before had magically sprung a leak. It was spewing again and under it's full original pressure! OMG! What do we tell Uncle Joe Stalin? He'll throw us AND our entire extended families into the Gulags and make us write novels until we die. So under threat of death, they did a lot of studying. Turns out that the entire concept of crude oil being a finite, organic substance had been developed in a ‘study' by a hand-picked team funded solely by one Johnny D. Rockefeller. Imagine that! So these crazy, oppressed Rüsskie Phd's, under the threat of their own demise, posited that crude oil actually was Abiotic, meaning it's regenerated by unrelenting tectonic forces deep within the mantle of the Earth. Goes something like this Peeps: Our beautiful, whirling World creates enormous amounts of heat and pressure deep down inside it's bowels. There at levels miles below where even the oldest fossils of organic matter have ever been found, it crushes, spins and heats the most bountiful chemical in/on our Planet, H²O(water), thus transfiguring it into the Second most abundant liquid in/on Earth....wait for it.... Crude Oil! Yes, my dear readers, Ladies and Gentlemen and all those refusing conventional definition, crude oil is NOT created by God giving us His one time gift of juicing dead dinosaurs and ferns. To start, most crude is pumped from depths miles and miles and even more miles far below where even the oldest fossils have ever been discovered and also in places on Earth that have never been above the ocean's surface. Ever. Additionally, themthar crazy, starving, threatened with Gulags until their death Rüsskie scientists did allot more simple math and came to the realization that even if our Earth had been infested with big, fat, oily dinosaurs since the very first day our planet formed AND and they had gotten that way during a multi-billion year, unbroken vegetation riot that STILL would NOT be enough organic matter to create even just the amount of oil we used up through WWII (The Big One)! Imagine that? Hey but, a limitless supply of crude oil didn't sound like a very sellable item to old Johnny D. Rock The First-ish. He'd invested every penny he had into this glop. So....well, this is where I'll share the stage with a true American Patriot, Hero, Coolest Guy I Wish I'd Gotten To Meet AND the man portrayed as the mysterious Mr. X in Oliver Stone's film of “JFK". Remember him? He was played by Donald Sutherland sitting on park benches. Take it over, Colonel Fletcher Prouty. We sure could use a bunch more Americans like you right about now, true that!

Gulf Oil is NOT Fossil Fuel.. It is an Abiotic - Self Regenerating Compound!
200 0 3.08k

Aug 26, 2017, 5:17:49 PM
Nine out of Ten of the voices in my head told me to stay home and clean all of my guns today
0 0 26

Aug 1, 2017, 8:26:46 PM
He's everywhere

0 0 44

Aug 1, 2017, 8:12:53 PM
In Dubai there are vending machines for gold

0 0 33

Jul 31, 2017, 12:11:51 PM
These days if you query Wikileaks founder Julian Assange about his upbringing in the now disgraced cult, The Family, he completely denies it. Indeed he and his handlers allegedly issue threats on all levels if an individual pursues the line of questioning. Back in 2011 while still desperate for MSM attention and it's assumed credibility, he was a bit more forthcoming about his involvement. Many facts have surfaced about Assange and the serruptitious genesis of Wikileaks recently, including many questions about it's initial funding and promotion by Forbes Magazine, who even named him and the organization the most influential entity of 2008. There is now legitimate doubt as to weather or not he truly has been holed up in Ecuador's London embassy full time. Ecuador maintains very cordial relations with the United States, indeed it's quite reliant on our government's good will towards them to even exist as a sovereign nation in our Monroe Doctrine sphere of influence. Basically, if we wanted him we'd have him. Period. I became curious when it seemed to me that the vast majority of Wikileaks truly damning drops always favor Republican and/or Right Wing positions. Strange positions such as completely denying that there was any thing else behind the events of 9/11 outside of what was cemented in it's commissions report bother me. He doesn't believe that UFO's exist let alone that ours, or any other government, has any knowledge otherwise.

Julian Assange: 'We just kept moving'
0 0 236

Jul 30, 2017, 10:17:26 PM

0 0 48

Jul 12, 2017, 12:40:03 AM
I'm new to Reddit but I doubt that I'll be spending much time here after my initial experiences. 9 out of 10 times I attempt to post anything, it's auto-rejected by some unseen Big Brother in some childish ritual of protecting your reading public. I've tried to inquire via non-existent, virtual ‘moderators' but not one has responded to my simple request for clarification. Not one. Reddit is revealing itself to be what chat rooms and my friends have told me. It's an echo chamber for angry millennials living in their parents basements.
0 0 74

Jul 10, 2017, 2:53:57 AM
I've heard this guy's hat can also be used as a pet travel water bowl.

0 0 50

Jul 10, 2017, 1:59:04 AM
Mass funeral rites for the victims of the airship Hindenburg disaster are held in NYC just days after the tragedy in 1936. Photographer Unknown

0 0 78

Jul 10, 2017, 12:11:37 AM

0 0 140

Jul 9, 2017, 8:10:47 PM
This is for all the townsfolk out there primed with pitchforks and lengths of rope. When I read about the "Retroactive Waivers" for Trump's entire staff a couple a weeks ago, I knew this represented the first incontrovertible scandal of his administration. So far, everything else has proved to be "squirmable". He could have wormed out of all the other Faux Pas that have been floated so far. He's beginning to run out of Fall Guys and Sacrificial Lambs. Former Director of the White House Department on Ethics, William Shaub, has resigned his appointment six months early. He's now joined a highly regarded Ethics Think Tank. Now that he's free of any restraints on disclosure, Shaub is going to start rolling out an endless stream of obvious improprieties and straight up illegalities.
We must be very careful in what is being wished for though.
What's currently left holding up the facade of our government and our shredded democracy cannot possibly survive a Pence Presidency. He will be America's first Tea Party POTUS. Trump is a stumbling retarded giant who's why too dim and vein to learn on the job. He'll never figure it out Even in four years. He's that stubborn and ignorant. Far over to the Right on the other hand is Pence. I hate Pence. He took advantage of his position and the chaos here in New Orleans during the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (but what locals call 'The Federal Flood'). Pence rushed into Orleans Parish like another wall of bad water, decimating our entire Public School system. He saw his virulent, anti-education utopia of absolute privatization crystallize here. This has resulted in an antebellum segregation that somehow manages to get worse each year. All of this without any Federal oversight at all. You can look that up, it's been very well documented.
But I digress.
My point being that Pence is a crafty and well seasoned professional politician. As such, he is exponentially more efficient and toxic then this dolt, Trump. There will be no learning curve. Briefcase and Football in hand, President Pence will hit the Halls Of Congress running on Day One. He's silent and deadly efficient. The Executive Orders for Pence's 'March To The Sea' through the remains of our shredded Civil Liberties are already signed, sealed and waiting to be delivered.

0 0 2.49k

Jul 8, 2017, 2:57:48 PM
More bad news for CNN

CNN hires pro-Syrian Al-Qaeda propagandist, erases him from credits
0 0 34

Jul 7, 2017, 12:43:32 AM
"UGH! These kids today think that they can drop out of High School and just
move in to a new car right away!"

0 0 66

Jul 2, 2017, 7:09:16 AM

0 0 39

Jul 2, 2017, 6:53:15 AM
If I had a dollar for every time that I've used Algebra in my life, I'd have n amount of dollars
0 0 45

Jul 2, 2017, 5:38:11 AM

0 0 80

Jul 1, 2017, 9:26:52 PM

0 0 470

Jun 30, 2017, 4:20:10 PM

A Bridge To Somewhere
0 0 461

Jun 30, 2017, 2:03:44 PM
It's Springtime for Merkel and Germany!

German parliament votes to legalise same-sex marriage
0 0 33

Jun 30, 2017, 11:12:36 AM

0 0 24

Jun 29, 2017, 10:24:50 PM

0 0 34

Jun 27, 2017, 7:06:16 PM

CENTCOM officials have “no idea” about White House claim that “Syria is planning chemical weapons”
0 0 46

Jun 27, 2017, 6:25:03 PM
How can you subscribe to the @truth channel and also subscribe to the @NASA channel?

0 0 40

Jun 27, 2017, 2:20:57 PM

0 0 353

Jun 26, 2017, 7:21:25 PM

0 0 41

Jun 26, 2017, 5:59:10 PM

0 0 43

Jun 24, 2017, 6:55:33 PM
Reports of John Podesta's suicide are eerily prescient
0 0 39

Jun 24, 2017, 2:59:25 PM
Facebook Groups. So fukin arrogant.

0 0 79

Jun 24, 2017, 1:25:57 PM
I once heard a Veterinarian say that "If our house cats grew to the size of a large dog we could no longer keep them as pets because they'd be trying to kill us all the time"

0 0 44

Jun 23, 2017, 8:29:12 AM
It's been raining cats and Nessies here in New Orleans

0 0 113

Jun 20, 2017, 9:28:31 PM
So hard to watch, but you have to. The cops are out of control.


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