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RE: Breaking News: Palestinian Teen Stabbed & Critically Wounded by zionist Settler

in #palestine7 years ago

A friend of mine is a strong believer in #BDS Movement. A year back when i offered him a pepsi, he refused to drink it saying it is a Israeli product and he is boycotting it to protest against their occupation Palestine.

I can feel the pain of Palestinians. There was a time once when even my country was under occupation. we can understand the pain of occupation. So many lives were lost in attempting to fight against the british.

Sadly, my countries current government is supporting Israel and its occupation. The current leadership that we have here is little weird.

What that settler did to that boy is completely in human. It is out right racism. I pray that the boy lives through this. I sometimes feel like i had the power to free these Palestinians from Israel but sadly i am merely a peasant. All i can do right is to participate #BDS movement and pray to god that he saves the Palestinians.


Thank you for pointing this out. I had no idea about pepsi and so saying this opens up my research of what to avoid. It is one way where I can start to help. I am checking the list now.

You can also download app "BOYCOTT" available on both Android and iOS platform.just you have to sign up with Facebook account join the FREE PALESTINE movement.and every time you purchase a product scan barcode app will tell you whether you have to avoid that product or not.

Great I will use that from now on...for every product..thank you

Awesome, thank you for that! A very good thing to have indeed

all i can say is that may we all be forgiven because we all have some flaws... but what is happening in palestine should be stopped .... we just have to imagine that they are humans too. what will happen if someone do such thing to us.... but actually the thing is that we have forgotten the feelings .....

Thank you for taking a stand. The tides will turn when more become aware of the truth, and join #BDS too. Apartheid in South Africa was ended because of BDS. I have hope.

Thats great news. I know I'm going to hear about it when I say this but I havent been following the news for years now. I am unable to handle all of what is going on. I become destroyed and I cant function, I go nuts. I take in everything without an outlet. It is enough to drive a person mad. Knowing that BDS can work is great news to me.
I'm hopping back on the news train.

I totally understand the feelings of helplessness associated with witnessing the truth of the occupation, and feeling so small to be able to change it. I'm glad you're sensitive! I'm glad you have a huge heart! We need more people with that fierce love of humanity in their hearts. And lastly, I'm grateful that you will look at not buying certain products on the BDS list. You don't have to take in the news if it hurts too much. Taking action is still possible <3 <3 Thank you again for writing me @foxyspirit. Much Love Sis.

Taking action is what I will be doing. Some news is needed to block out but its not right to ignore it all either. I have to find balance and do the right thing when I can. Lots of love to you too, and to everyone xx.

i am muslim .... and i condemn any brutality to any person living on Gods earth.... he may belong to any religion i dont care ,,, this is what my religion teaches me,,, this is what i believe in.... this is what is the life of Holly Prophet is all about" humanity" comes first.