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RE: Zionist Forces Arrested A 9 Year Old Boy Today In Occupied Palestine

in #palestine7 years ago

It's horrendous babe.
Until the criminal enablers in DC and the City of London are taken out I fear this tragic situation will never end. The Israeli government don't even reflect the feelings and beliefs of the Jewish people which is the most frustrating part of this whole debacle.

It's not something that's gets much if any press though which goes to show as if we needed any more proof! that the MSM are a propaganda arm of the criminal bankers and politicians who have an agenda to keep the Middle East in perpetual war.

Thank you for being on top of this Lyndsay, many people would never here of it otherwise such is the silence in the west.


Thank you so much for bringing up this amazing point, that not all Jews are Zionists, not by far! That's why I always distinguish by calling the pro-occupation folks Zionists. They are destroying Judaism by their actions. A couple very famous Jewish men to oppose the occupation with every bone in their body are Miko Peled, and Norman Finkelstein (I'll put an incredible video of Norman below).

And not all Zionists are Jews!
Just look at the psychos in DC and London pushing the agenda constantly. I feel terrible for the Palestinians but also the Jewish folks who are against this occupation being tarred with the same brush as these murdering bastards.

We must always make the distinction, yes.