The United Nations Redundant Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRRWA) will begin operations in March.
New York, January 30 - The global organization that runs relief, peacekeeping, educational, and cultural operations in stricken areas announced today that it will soon establish a new body to handle the needs of Palestinians who inhabited "camps" before the October 7th War but who became displaced from those camps because of the war, and who are returning to those camps now, in addition to the agency that already handles the needs of those who lived in those camps.
The United Nations Redundant Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRRWA) will begin operations in March, a UN spokesman stated this morning, to address the dire circumstances of those whose ancestors fled homes in what became Israel in 1948, and ended up living in "refugee" camps in the Gaza Strip under Egyptian occupation, and who had to flee again as those camps became battle zones. UNRRWA will provide the same crucial services as the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), only more so.
"The plight of the twice-displaced is heart-wrenching," lamented former UNRWA Director Pierre Kraenbuhl, now at the helm of the International Committee for the Red Cross. "It only makes sense that the Palestinians, who have received more per capital international aid that any population in history, get more. And that the people returning to the refugee camps and UNRWA care now also get UNRRWA care."
UN Special Rapporteur for Israel and the Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese explained further. "As the world struggles with numerous crises, there is a danger that those other, less important, and perhaps more relevantly, less Jew-involved, crises, will attract attention and funding that could otherwise have been directed toward the destruction of Jewish sovereignty by means of Palestinian nationalism. This new agency, by its very existence, underlines the axiomatic supremacy of Palestine over all other humanitarian and political causes."
UNRRWA is slated to draw its employees from the same pool of personnel as UNRWA, and no regulations bar any person from employment in multiple such agencies at once. Thus, UNRWA staff can also serve as UNRRWA staff, providing the same services and aid as before but being paid twice for it.
"UNRWA is conceptually a political organization to keep the conflict with Israel alive," observed a former UNRWA chief in Gaza, Chris Gunness. "That's fine, but the nitty-gritty, practical side of things translates into UNRWA serving as one of the largest employers of Palestinians in various capacities. Now the international community will get more bang for the buck, so to speak. Or the other way around, whatever."
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