
Your heart is in the right place - but boy, you are just as bad as sleazy Adam go on aand on, repeating yuorself to the point where we are forced to shut your post.

I really do not have to be told to read the anti-communist manifesto (written by you) a thousand times (it feels like a thousand).

Guess, what: if anyone reading is too stupid to get the message within one or two times, then it is likely that if they try to read your manifesto, they will not understand that either.

PS: I was asked to read it by a friend a long time ago and I did not manage to read it all as you repeat yourself in it again and again.

Cut out all the repeats and you will have something worth reading - and it just might, then, be a good tool for awakening the many to the dangers of communism.

How you read this comment is entirely up to you. If you are feeling too vulnerable for constructive criticism, it will not help you. I hope it does.

What a pathetic fool