I'm a bit mad and I want to share my feelings about the situation I had all the day yesterday !
So, I've created two youtube videos yesterday and shared them on d.tube.
The problem is that @dtube is accepting only one tag now.
creativecoin.xyzSo, I had to use the tag of only one tribe and that was #creativecoin , so my post apeared only in
But it didn't apear in 3 tribes I liked to share my posts with and those are #palnet , #steemleo and #neoxian .
The problem that we are trying to invest in all of them at the same time, so we need that return.
I talked about the issue with a lot of people, but I still don't find the best solution for me.
I don't want to post a lot of posts during the day, I think 3-4 posts are enough to not be that annoying.
So, we can't write a post on each tribe on particular. The only way is to use sometimes two or three tags to apear in a few of them.
I don't know why exactly @dtube decided to make it possible to use only one tag, but it's the case now.
I also think that maybe the post didn't apear in all the platforms, because #creativecoin has a Scot Tube as well ?
But do you have one guys ? Because I see that : https://video.creativecoin.com/ is not working. Or it's under an other name ?
I see that : https://video.palnet.com/ is not working for me as well.
But : https://tube.steemleo.com/ is working and https://video.sportstalksocial.com/ is working.
I'm a bit lost now. Maybe the only way is to post only with one tag on dtube, I mean to choose the tribe I want to post in and to post each video appart. But it will take a lot of time if I will do that everyday, so I have to choose each day for a tribe.
The only solution I see now, is allow us to add more tags to dtube. @heimindanger
I contacted also @aggroed about the issue and he told me to ask @holger80 or @eonwarped , can you look at the issue guys ?
I'm not a technical guy and I'm just a geek maybe, but I just want to understand the best way to upload my videos.
Maybe some of my followers know or someone from the tribes that I will post this post in.
I will post this from @busy.org and let's see if the tags will work.
I will start with #palnet tag hoping that it will give me more chance that everything will work.
I will use #dtube tag to let the @dtube team know about my issue.
I will use #creativecoin because I want to know the answer about if they have scottube or not.
And let me try with #neoxian since it's a forum for general topics.
It seems that busy is accepting more than 5 tags, so let me try #steemleo in this case to let them know about the issue.
I usually solve such problems in discord before posting in steemit about that, but this one is making me crazy. lol
I know how it's hard for developers to make everything perfect, but I think the feedback will help them improve things.
I want also to know from the members of the tribes if you guys had such issue with other dapps or even with steemit or even with posting in one of the websites of a particular tribe ?
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I agree, it does fill the tag spaces faster, but what if there are 100 tribes you know ?
The number of tags could be increased to 7 or 10 would be one solution to include two or three tribes.
Other workaround is posting on a front-end (palnet for example) you might not need to tag that one but not sure.
Sorry to hear about the videos.
I think even if we will have 100 tribes, we will not be able to use them all anyway. We will just choose what the best for us. I use palnet because I'm staking there 500 pal and I'm powering up everything there, so I need return from my investment. I have also a lot of followers who are upvoting me with pal. So, I feel that I didn't spend all that 2 years on steem for nothings. Yeah, about the both videos I wanted them to be exposed more, but I'm glad that at least creativecoin will notice that. I'm happy with posting at least and I know that posting with busy will be the best choice for me. But with the videos I will not count on being on more than one platform, or i will keep experimenting with those tags. lol
Tags are always at a premium, thanks for information about busy offering more tags. Seven tags would be the ideal number for posting on every site I have noticed sometimes you use longer tags they only offer 4 not 5 which is crazy.
I gave up on dTube some time back due to all the problems I encountered, not worth my time fighting something on slow internet connection.
Yeah, I also think that we shouldn't add so many tags, I just want to be noticed to solve the issue, but sometimes we don't have the choise, maybe if some of us are not using bots, the only way to be exposed is to use more tags ? . I love everything in dtube of course and I think it's the best app on steem, but I will be hapier if we will be able to use more than one tag there.
Tags come at a premium to get a message out, if you found somewhere you are able to use more, why not!
dTube was a battle, I managed one or two videos and then had nothing but trouble, hence I don't bother to go there any more. Perhaps one day, however offering one tag is ridiculous....
With my video I posted it on dTube with the dTube tag then went back to edit the post and add in more tags later. Seemed to work
Posted using Partiko iOS
Usually it always work for me, but it seems that with #creativecoin tag something went wrong. But I posted directly with it from dtube, I will try next time to post with dtube tag and see how it goes. I'm glad that with busy now we can use more than 5 tags. At least one positive thing today. lol
Yeah, that's what I've been doing. I use Steemit to edit the post immediately after posting it just to add the other tags. It is slightly annoying but not too big a deal
Yeah, it's not a big deal and I do so as well, but the problem is that the post is not apearing in those tribes.
Haven't use dtube from a few weeks now.
It's strange they try to close it like this. I've seen a response that the tag is a feature that is unlocked via a fee...
Not sure. Hope it is this way. Maybe the premium user will have some kind of benefits apart the multiple tags.
Posted using Partiko Android
I don't think @dtube has a premium user. I'm hearing this for the first time. I will try to confirm that. I understand the reason of limitting tags, it maybe because people may abuse that. But with the situation with tribes I think we should have at least a few when posting with an app built on steem. Maybe they will change that, who knows.
I asked in the main discord server, they confirmed that there is not premium account. I don't know where you did find such information. I think everyone now can add only one tag, I hope I will be able in the future to add more, but this how it's working now and it seems that there is no premium accounts.
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What I do is post through Palnet's D.Tube front end, and use #creativecoin (or whatever other tribe I want to post in tag) and it will go to Palnet and CreativeCoin.
Granted, that is still only going to two tribes.
They do need to let us use more tags for maximizing efficiency.
That way you can at least get it to go through two tribes.
You are right, I will be happy to see more than one tag in dtube, but it is what it is.
Steempeak just recently increased the tag limit to 10 today.