Dear @nathanpieters
I also grew up hungry, as a member of large family, where father was university profesor and mother was unemployed. In post-comunistic country. Where I had to work age of 14.
and I value money. However, it doesn't give me right to do what you did. And it's called defamation. On public blockchain. Without change of reversing it.
And it's illegal almost everywhere around the world. Regardless if you're right or not.
Yours, Piotr
If someone is deceiving others, they need to be called out on it. So @nathanpieters is 100% justified with this post.
Hi @derangedvisions
Just out of curiousity. What is someone is being "called out" and named "scammer" on blockchain (which cannot be ever removed) and then it would turn out that person calling him out was wrong? As it turned out to be the case here?
Imagine if some would call you a scammer, without making much research. And then this person would appologize to you - however post insulting you would stay on blockchain forever. How would you feel about it?
Im seriously curious,
Yours, Piotr
Defamation is something that is untrue. He admitted his wrongdoing. Now he must suffer the consequences. Leave your empty threats for someone else.
Well if one is right then it isn’t “defamation” now is it?