It is the wet and rainy season here in my neck of the woods and soon the frogs would come out and make frog sounds to call on to their mates. They sound like a cow that is why they are called bullfrogs (not the poisonous toads) and I could handle one. They are quite slippery as heck and would escape if you do not hold them tight enough.
I have a friend who is expert of catching them like a fish. Catching them is learned skill and there are two ways, one is by luring them with a snail or earthworm attached to a line and unto your stick, you tap the bait making it move like it was dancing as it attracts the bullfrogs even toads, the frog would see it and you hoist it up in the air as soon as takes your bait and catch it with your hands.
You just have to go to a place where there are frogs and it requires some bravery because you will just embark in a place where it is wet and there are tall grasses and bushes.
Frogs really are delicious, the best way of coking it is by taking of the skin and innards, some eats the liver and the fat (not the skin) and you fry it until golden brown. The best piece for me is the belly because it has a bit of fat and it is very palatable while the back legs yields more meat.