‘Ganja’ was originally considered to be cannabis originating from Jamaica, still feels weird seeing it used generally but it’s common now I guess...
The best ‘Ganja’ naturally grown in JM comes from Orange Hill, about 15mins outside of Negril town centre. I’ll be visiting there soon... um... you know... to check up on the farmers 😏
Cheers !BEER
Posted using Partiko iOS
After I googled, I discovered that Ganja was actually an Indian word. Then used by many other languages for cannabis.
That’s kl, Google didn’t exist 30 years ago... there would have been no way for me (or anyone to check that) 😉
Alas, like I said... common use now I guess... Indian or other.
Cheers !BEER
The more you know. Thank God for Google. 😁
You’re definitely right, however Google isn’t the only source of info... I guess this sums it up:
(I’m the retard, lol)

But yeah, that thread is filled with ppl who had the same convoluted view I had. lol thanks
Hahahahahahha, STEEM should consider a "pass a joint" button.
Posted using Partiko iOS