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RE: @ocdb bot went “manual”.....actually I think mental. #flagwars

in #palnet5 years ago

@anomadsoul: I would like to point out a general misunderstanding. The rules on this platform, contrary to the #newsteem, find no consensus. These are rules based on the acceptance of community drivers who have appointed themselves to improve the ruleset. Whether this is a good or a bad set of rules is irrelevant because it doesn't seem to be the whole audience behind it.

It would be as if the parties who have devised a set of rules in a democracy, of which they now want to assume that if a general mood is emerging that these will be accepted, would represent the confirmation of this set of rules. In so doing, they proceeded in such a way that they do not even allow themselves to be nominated for election, but prefer the affirmative voices to those who do not confirm them. An election without an election. But every educated person who grows up in a modern civil society knows and demands that there should be an official election that reflects in facts/figures what mood is supposed to be. Without this official mandate, which can be given by the user community to those who are the rulebook creators, there will be no consensus. One could, for example, declare the tag "ocd" or "steemstem" or other community tags as binding, to which the individual content producers commit themselves according to the rules, the moment they use this tag (though I haven't thought that through, just an example). Without this commitment, no one will agree to see their content down-voted. Negotiations in the back rooms (discord) are laborious, tedious and time-consuming.

So either a #newsteem team has to take the time to inform manually every single user about the downvote, to justify it and then to go into a possible, resulting dispute, which, if we are honest, exceeds the capacities of most of us here. Or the community management is officially running for office in order to retain the mandate of the individual and to avoid backroom debates or comment section debates.

In addition, no one will be able to assess individual actors: to whom do they belong? Whose minds child are they? Individuals who refer to rules that supposedly have found consensus here will never be taken seriously, no matter how much content is loved by one and hated by the other.