
Hi man, are you still on that count? still on B wave expecting the final C? or back to a simple A-B-C and we are going up again? I have to make a song: “ fomo is bitch, fomo is bitch, fooomo is biiiitch and fomo is bitch.. haha 😉

Yes, the count is still very plausible. This will only change if BTC explodes higher, or drops below 11k and jumps over 12500 next.

Cloud it be that its not an ABC but WXY and nearing completion of subwave B of Y?

Yeah, but the symmetry would be horrible.

It can be many things right now. I'll update once a few alternates are invalidated.

This small move down looks corrective to me, so I am guessing 9600 to be the low and BTC going up again soon (second pic).