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RE: PROJECT #HOPE - Help us grow by making a simple change

in #palnet6 years ago

This is an interesting way to support those you care about, @crypto.piotr. I don't know if you are aware we have another group of VZ peeps @freewritehouse.

The leader of the group is:

And participants who write for us when they can are:

@lacl @teresah @seifiro @dranuvar @isgledysduarte

Each of these people are sharing their lives with us under very difficult circumstances. I'm sure they all know others from the country that do not freewrite but are active on STEEM. Maybe they can join into your project in some way. There is strength in numbers.

I am fascinated to see you use palnet for this instead of steem, although I know both are tied together. I am in palnet, staked, and tagging all my posts for it, but still have not got may brain wrapped around the idea and am watching with interest to see what it becomes.

I hope you will do follow up posts to let us all know how your project goes. Maybe people from other countries will follow your lead if it is a winner.