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RE: LET'S TALK ABOUT PALnet: I've mixed thoughts so far; what is your first impression?

in #palnet6 years ago

hey @crypto.piotr

the comment count difference is much less severe than you think. for some reason the PALnet platform counts only top-level comments without including their replies right away like the condenser does.

on top of that PALnet also uses some black-list filtering for accounts that have explicitly broken PAL community guidelines, but that will only be very few cases, the big difference really just comes from the way replies are counted.

concerning voting power, check this:

PAL voting power only depletes when voting on posts with the tag, hence some recommend keeping the stake in separate accounts


Dear @fraenk

Thank you for being so responsive. I absolutely appreciate it.

Definetly current "counter" doesn't make much sense and is going to cause confusion and I can hardly imagine to be the only one being confused.

BIG Thx for that link.
