We still don't know if the pain will eventually go away. We are hoping it will though. She is trying a different medications now, so hopefully it will help.
Why are you in pain? Can it be managed? Hope it can.
Enjoy the time with your children now that they are in school break.
@gingbabida I hope for her it will. I have different auto immune diseases. My immune system tries to get rid of me. Attacking me and my organs. At the moment nerve pains are the worse mainly in my face, next dehydration (eyes, mouth, nose skin which is sjögren) and a painful kidneys. No cure, no painkiller helps and cold weather is increasing it too. I use many tricks to make most issues bearable but my face is the worse and the infections of the skin and underneath my skin.
A few more years and all my children are adults. I hope to make it till that day.
I hope for your mother the pain disappears. Blessings for you all. 💕
Oh Kitty, I don't know what to say. 😭😭😭 I can't help but think of God's promise: "He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore." I pray that this promise will come true very soon so that you will not suffer, and also the others. I want to hug you. 🤗🤗🤗