Not sure how many people will see this but thought I'd post, so the estimated value thing on the account, while really useful, doesn't seem to translate very well. Like when it goes to blocktrades and I get the option to select Ethereum or Bitcoin and I convert the price for what BTC or ETH it gives me it seems to be vastly different. Can anyone experienced share with me their insight on this? Thanks all for the support so far and it's been nice to be slowly growing into a community :)
Blocktrades has fees in their prices that have to cover the various miner fees.
Account value estimates are on a three day moving average, last I knew.
Ah makes sense, is Blocktrades the only way to trade back or is there something else people are doing? Proper new to this but it's been interesting to look into for sure :)
There are several exchange options, but blocktrades is convenient.
It's a tough crowd, but if you make good content an audience will form around it, imo.
I really appreciate that :) Thank you for your help!
NP, welcome aboard.
Power up everything until you have 1mv, ~520hp, and you will have a more enjoyable experience here.
What's the 1mv? And is that when the site becomes better because you can vote for more? Because if so I was waiting for that sort of magical number haha ;P
When you use to vote it gives you the slider to adjust your vote power.
It also let's folks know that you plan to stick around.
If you use you get the slider right away.