photographs of my little Camila .

in #palnet5 years ago

Hello friends with your permission I want to share some pictures of my daughter who was birthday yesterday
greetings I hope not to have problems since it is a different topic greetings from Venezuela ..

hola amigos con su permiso quiero compartir unas fotografias de mi hija la cual estuvo de cumpleaños el dia de ayer
saludos espero no tener inconvenientes ya que es un tema diferente saludos desde Venezuela..

since I was in my belly I always motivated her with reggae and classical music and I always loved feeling those kicks I love you beautiful daughter

desde que estaba en mi vientre siempre la motive con reggae y musica clasica y siempre me encantaba sentir esas pataditas te amo hija bella




Today September 8 my little daughter Camila turns four ..
hoy 08 de septiembre cumple cuatro años mi pequeña hija Camila..
Thank you sir thank you
God of immense power.
Gracias, Señor, gracias
Dios del inmenso poder.

I see you, and I don't
tired of looking
what a pretty girl I see
seeing you is a caress for my eyes ..

Yo te veo, y no me
canso de mirar,
qué linda niña veo
verte es una caricia para mis ojos..




Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Happy Birthday to Camila she is a cutie. However the pictures with you and your young one breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful process but I am not sure why you would want to post that on social media in this time and age. Maybe it is a difference of culture but the world is filled with predators and vultures, who knows what they would do with these pictures. I will help you hide it with a downvote.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

si aqui en Venezuela es natural dar pecho en todos lados aqui la leche de formula es muy costosa pir lo que los medicos recomiendan la leche materna ya que protege mucho al bebe y a la madre al menos yo lo hice hasta los tres años es cierto como dices hay mucha gente mala redes saludos @nojahm If here in Venezuela it is natural to breastfeed everywhere here the formula milk is very expensive for what doctors recommend breast milk since it protects the baby and the mother a lot at least I did it until three years is true as you say there are a lot of bad people greetings @nojahm

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Y es hermoso poder darle a nuestros bebe nuestra nutricion.

Adelante mujer!

graciassss corazon

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

BOO! We don't need to hide our boobs! We need to hide the boobs who think we need to hide our breasts.


In my house we have nipple equality, if the boys get to show their nipples, the girls to too!

But a part of you is right, I guess, since in my personal life, I make sure the windows are closed and the camaras are turned off.

What a beautiful baby, congratulations to you and to her.

What a beautiful
Baby, congratulations
To you and to her.

                 - cannawriter

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